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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 50

3 September 1977

I am Mevlana.
Coming into being of the beautiful day,
Coming of the human who loves,
His/her search for HAK in interpretation
Comes from The One Who is loved.
The mirror of The Reality is
Human’s heart.

Do not search reality on the path of the one who says,
“We searched path to go,
We found herd to drive.”

Vision erases the judgment. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Love divides the one that is said about, ‘Ugly,’
[love] Makes [one] search The Beautiful One
In the flower that blooms,
In the bug that is seen.

You will find What you search
In the direction that you hope for.

Do not lean your back
On the tree that is without root.
Do not say,
“Let me drink from the water that does not flow.”
Tree without root [is] temporary,
Water that does not flow
Does not give remedy.
“How?” is being said.
The one who knows his/her place [in after earth life]
Is the one who finds with Root.
The one who says,
“Let me go to ocean,”
Is the one who joins the flowing water. [ocean==God]

It is not temporary of course:
Your pleading makes you find.

Let us open like in the example of mirror,
Let us cross the narrow passage.

Do not give hand to the one that is hidden.
My Allah loves what is open.
In HIS human whom HE loves,
HE praises the one who comes openly.
If iron door is opened partially,
If human allays his/her curiosity in The Reality,
What he/she will see, is
Not the behind of the iron door
But the door that is open,
[the door] That takes all [humans].
In the building that knows the earth,
There is door that opens to The Meaning.
Yes, we said exactly like that:
Be in the same state as the one that is open.
The one that is covered,
The one that comes as contradictory to the order [system]
Stays away from human’s aim.

As much [spiritually] mature as you are,
As much as you know [The Meaning]
See yourself as conforming.

The one who starts the journey at dawn,
The one who looks at the sun in HIS horizon, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Looks for [HIS] direction in coming-in going.
What you search is your path,
What you open [is] your heart.
Let the openness stay exactly the same,
Let doubt be erased from heart.
Doubt resembles hay:
Neither does it cover
Nor does it prod,
Nor does it give blessing.

Let us shake the stone that is on our skirt,
Let us lighten and stay like that.
“What is stone?” is said.
[it is:]
The one that you know yet the one that you can not interpret, [? THE One That you know yet The One That you can not interpret, ?]
The one that you take yet the one that you can not mix, [the spiritual water that you take [i.e. ONEness of HEARTs] and try to decipher/understand]
The one whom you love yet the one whom you can not give.

Let us add the one who loves to the one who loves.
In number, let us take away the one that is solitary.
Beauty is not in equality but in variety.
Let us love
As he/she is, [? Let us love as much [spiritually] mature as he/she is, ?]
At the place where he/she knows.
We gave one's place, [what we give helps one to have his/her place in after earth life]
We said before.

Water that will flow gives path,
Human who will laugh, takes hal.

Dissatisfaction polishes unconformity. [=satiety leads to conformity]

“Your heart’s door is open,” we said.
Stay away from trial [trying]:
I said about the one whom you remember as close friend,
Whom you give spoon to his/her hand, at the table.
The one who is next to us,
The one who takes his/her place at our chat:
Difficulty does not wrap the one who knows his/her place.

Each one who/that is seen saying, "Beautiful,"
Is not covered on the page. [= each one that is said about, "Ugly," is covered on the page == we do not see any ugly...]

Let my Allah be pleased.

The moment in which you fall in pessimism
In the direction that you take,
In the word that you know,
Definitely turn the page.

If wideness comes from taking, [when one gets rid of earth load, he/she becomes spiritually lighter, rises spiritually, he/she sees wider and wider]
Then it is necessary to open path to conformity. [then it is also necessary to conform to events]

Stove is for food for the one who is hungry;
Lap [is] for the one who sleeps, for [his/her] head. [every event is for a reason…]

In the fall that you see,
In the stone that you spread,
The one that is gathered from what is scattered [scattered human==human who is not on HIS path]
Is seen.
[Previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah trains HIS human by putting stones on his/her path. Hard human is softened like by hitting stone to stone and making sand from the stones…]
Leaf does not fall until its day comes, [leaf==human]
Stove is not ignited until the food is ready [to be put on it].
If it is like that,
At the place where we mature [spiritually],
Let us know The Beautiful One;
Let us say,
“The Beautiful One opens path to love
In each [event that is] happening."

Battle is intention to fight:
It is either won or lost.
On the path of my Allah
Harmony is necessary
Not battle.
What you take into your heart is harmony.

Order [system] is seen,
“Let my Allah be pleased,” is said.
Let you give your hand to each one who wishes,
Let you say,
“My Allah’s command [is] like that.”

Erase the doubt.
The step that you take without doubt
Does not bring [you] to stone.
On the day, stony path does not open your place. [place==place that human takes in after earth life]
Let you say,
“I become as in the same state of sand,
I find myself like that.” [be soft like sand in order not to be ground with stones...]

Let you stay as you took/take from the path of Omar:
Let you not be confused about the one who was born in justice,
Let you not say, "Enough," to the one who violates his/her oath.
He/she will conform to the order [system] that he/she is amazed at,
He/she will come together with the stone,
He/she will be broken.
You are beautiful
As much [spiritually] mature as you are,
At the place where you mature [spiritually]. [? At the place where you are. ?]

Yesevi says:
I became [spiritual] washer,
I stood straight.
I gave trump to HIS each human.
I pleaded with my Allah
For the one who degenerated on the right, on the left,
For the one who disrupted the beautiful event.
Let you keep your heart, open,
Yet let you never ask path from the one that is hidden.
Beyond the wideness is the page of the finding.
What is taken in chat is valid only
If it gives the path of all [humans],
Not your place [only].

The one who runs away is chased,
The one who stops, loiters.
Let us be
Neither from the ones who run away
Nor from the ones who loiter;
Let us only know to walk.

If you say,
“Let me know who comes to my help,”
“Omar,” we said, we gave before.

What you say with hal
Is that you are connected to “beyt.”
“Beyt” is the knot
That comes from HIS Representative,
That spreads with Ali,
That is known as four directions.
HIS Representative is the sun of our path.
His ‘beyt’ is the fire of our deep love.
His companions are the light of our path. [his companions==companions of Prophet Mohammad]
The traveler of the same path;
His/her caravansary boniface waits on the path. [caravansary boniface==saint]
Caravansary boniface takes [him/her],
Brings [him/her] to HIS [spiritual] fire,
Makes [him/her] burn [in heart].

The one who asks [about] place to army,
Is the one who sets up tent for it too.
The existence of the place is present [place==place in after earth life]
When heart is not narrow.
Do not say, “My direction that I can not open.”
You are beautiful as much as you open.
We gave before:
You are beautiful
As much [spiritually] mature as you are,
As much as you know [The Meaning].
You find
Without looking for the ugly,
Without combing the event.
Let you stay as you are [without wasting HIS Light that you had at the time of your birth on earth].
Whatever they say,
Let them put point to the record. [point==universe; understanding Matter form of God] [Let them know The Meaning while on earth]
You, you are together
With the one who [? With The One Who ?] knows you.

We gave before:
Of the one that is given, 
[only] The one that takes to the [HIS] direction
Is valid.

It is known
That he/she says, “I could not respect,”
That he/she bunches leaf and flower.
Let us love the flower in the garden,
Let us not pick and put [it] in vase.
[if you do so, then]
Its beauty occurs as temporary.
The one that is in the garden,
Makes itself be loved by each one who sees [it].

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel