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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 49

2 September 1977

I am Mevlana.
“One will open to wideness,
One will pass through each heart,”
We said, we gave before.
Let selam [greeting/peace] be to all of you.
Let my Allah be pleased
With the one who takes [spiritual water],
With the one who comes [to HIS path/to our chats],
With the one who brings [disseminates].

"Pages are turned,
Close friendships come into being,
One comes together with all [humans],"
He said, my Yunus wished for word.
We asked [about] our place
From the one who goes and
From the one who comes,
From the one who laughs at chat with coyness;
In chat, we gave our summit,
We bowed on the path of The Giver.

Shirt belongs to the one who wears,
Light shoe [belongs] to the one who walks [on HIS path], [light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
Close friend [belongs] to the one who loves.

Loyalty is seen in close friendship,
Enjoyment [is seen] in the one whose hand is in hand.
Life and Darling have heart-to-heart talk through heart.
The ones who love
Get acquainted with HIS path.

If I was the one who goes, [if I was the one] who comes,
If I stopped by each one who asked,
My path would get longer and longer.
Shepherd would herd flock of sheep;
I can not say, ‘Stop,’ to shepherd.

We became close friend,
We came as close friend.
Selam [greeting/peace] [is] to all [humans], we said.

In the word of the one who takes,
In the essence of the nest, [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
There is path to wideness.

“Four leaves,” we said, we gave before.
Our leaf comes into being, [? Our leaf matures [spiritually], ?] [leaf==1. Human; 2. Human who is member of Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
All close friends come together.
Let one give hand in hand,
Let our chat be gathered. [let our chat[s] be interpreted and understood]

Coming into being of the birth [birth==human coming to his/her senses / human perceiving The Reality]
Opens with the doomsday
[that occurs] In human’s own bodily constitution.
What is seen in hal,
What is given with kal
Is that.
When ‘hay’ is said, [hay==human separating his/her heart from his/her body]
Let us give to selam, [let us greet respectfully]
Let us see [spiritual] maturation in HIS human
[while he/she is] In HIS Attribute.
I gave the birth:
The birth into [spiritual] maturation.

Does the caravan take me?
Does it reach Darling’s path?
Does it stop with the close friend, at the post? [post==congregation to unite in ONEness]
He said, Geylani came to word:
Caravan is yours,
The path that you take is yours.
One will give hand to the one who goes,
One will open his/her heart on HIS path.
From us, "Let him/her come," is said. [we wish that all humans come]
One does not find house when one does not mature [spiritually].
Blocked one of the path
Does not come from my Allah’s permission. [is not permitted by my Allah]
Let us give the mirror to his/her hand,
Let us be one with all [humans],
He said, he [Geylani] greeted.

Do not throw rope down to dry well,
Do not add heart to fear. [do not be scared]
Do never expect curved [wrong]
From the one who knows the straight [right].

It [our chat] comes like in the example of bunch,
Gives The Beautiful that is in human.
We have our vineyard to give.
Unripe grape started to ripen.
Did you ripen, did you become grape?
Did you see hal of close friend?
If our close friend whom we see
Conforms to the birth that we interpret,
If he/she gives HIS path,
Does he/she give the place [in after earth life] of the one who goes [on HIS path]?

We took from the water
Of the one who came as guest [to earth],
Of the one who knew [The Meaning] when he/she came,
We presented [that spiritual water] to the one who wishes.
If he/she comes as equal,
If he/she sees the harmony,
He/she would come into being, in love,
He/she would come together saying, “Darling.”

In iron, there are some that bend,
In the ones that bend, there are some that fall out… [iron==human]

What the one who wishes to know [The Meaning], does not know
Is benefit.

You ask the one who comes as skinny [you ask the skinny person]
What he/she eats,
You interpret the skinniness as due to
What he/she eats.
In reality, [? In Reality, ?]
Neither the one that is eaten
Nor the one that is loved
Makes skinny.
We gave from The Meaning of course.

It is asked about the one who takes the color from the purple
That he/she passes through the water,
That he/she opens from the number.
Purple gives the summit of [spiritual] maturation.
We say
To the one who comes to our chat,
To the one who knows The Close Friend and the 'post,' [post == congregation to unite in ONEness]
To the one who translates from language to language.
Let my Allah be pleased.
What he/she finds in love,
Let [it] make him/her [spiritually] mature with HIS deep love. [? Let [it] make him/her come into being with HIS deep love. ?] [let him/her fall in deep love and let him/her mature [spiritually] like that]
He/she said, "Life," he/she found in Darling.
Neither did he/she take deep love as slave
Nor did he/she become slave of the deep love.
As he/she is [spiritually] mature,
As much as he/she knew
Sufficed for his/her [spiritual] maturity.

I am Mevlana with word,
I am Mevlana with essence.
On the mountain that does not give passage,
Let us look at the one who bends forward,
Let us give our close friendly hand.
Let you give
The bunch [of flowers] that you [planted and] spaded,
The music that you composed,
To the one who hears.
Let you roll up like in the example of your equivalent.
He/she said,
He/she gave The Beautiful One to the beautiful one.

Let me be ember that will burn.
Let me find flatness to perch upon.

Let number not be in you, [do not count the matter / do not be greedy]
Let the new one not stay in the old one.

Let love be independent,
Let it spread as much as it disperses.

We gave hand in hand,
We saw the one who held [hand in hand].

“Let me take breath,
Let me turn the page,
Let me reach peace in the writing that I read,” you say.
Let you know that the breath that you take is peace.
We said to the one who gives [translates] from language to language.
I am
Next to the one who hears,
In the direction of the one who writes.

You wrote with hand,
You turned from your lineage to Your Essence,
You became one with The Noble One;
You gave your hal through your tongue.

Pages are counted, [? Pages are respected, ?] [one reads the pages of ONEness of HEARTs one by one]
It is seen that
The one who gets his/her [right] dosage
Erases the degenerate one.
When turning from tongue to tongue, [? When turning [translated] from language to language, ?]
When [one is] satiated from heart to heart,
Our giving takes [one] to [spiritual] maturity.
Let us say, “Eyvallah,”
Let us add to the writing of The Beautiful One
From our [spiritual] water.
“Is there mistake?” is being said.
Our water that is added allays [lessens/removes] your weight. [lessens your earth load, lets you rise spiritually]
Love as much as you love,
See as much as you praise. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Let you open with our word.

The ones who love search the one who loves,
Ask the reason in [the case of] the one who does not love.

In the event of which the reason is not known,
Interpretation is not valid.
Judge refers the decision of the lawsuit,
Of which there is no evidence,
To its qualified person.
If there is no authority of the qualified person,
He/she stays as silent.
In [our] event there is evidence,
Our writing is beneficial to [for] each human.

What we will take,
What we will give
Is only our love.
However, not collect. [collect as in ‘collect phone call’] [i.e. there is no 'I will love him/her back if he/she loves me first']
The One That is in you, is in you for me;
The One That is in me, is in me for you.
If it is like that,
When The One That is in you, The One That is in me
Fills the universe,
Order is set up while watching [HIM].
In the nest that is set up on the [this/HIS] path, [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
Our name is remembered through heart.

Let us say, “Selam [peace/greeting],”
Let us greet.
Let us say, “Four leaves,”
Let us remember.
To the ones who conform
While there is no witness, [without making HIM witness by swearing [because HE already knows everything]]
While not finding record, [without being recorded [for sin] because of our oath]
Let us give [them] our close friendly hand.

My word is to the one who says,
“Do we descend into the well,
Do we take the bucket?”:
Pass the well [give up the well],
Choose the water that flows. [because flowing water flows to ocean] [ocean==God]
The ones who cross the passage, the flat path
To the forest.
[forest] It brings the rain abundantly.
[rain] It carries the dry branch;
[with rain] Its leaf, its soil are washed.

We gave the word of the one that is asked, [we answered the question]
“Turn from tongue to tongue,” we said. [? “Turn [translate] from language to language,” we said. ?]
However, let one add from our water,
Let it soften like in the example of honey.
To the water of the doctor,
To one’s pure temperament,
Like in the example of ship that will come to its bay at the harbor.
One will make his/her color conform to his/her equivalent:
One will give
To the crew who are on the surface,
To the captain who descends to deep.
Let it not be forgotten:
Everyone who is member of the crew of the ship
Will take.
Traveler will stay at the passage.
“How?” is said.
The one who takes, takes,
The one who does not take, stays.
Comer-passer… [the one who comes [to HIS path] - the one who passes [without taking our spiritual water]]
What is necessary is that
The crew of the ship is able to take.
What the one who passes, takes
Is as much as he/she can carry.
Let my Allah be pleased,
Let one come into being [? mature [spiritually] ?] in his/her share, with your love.

It is known that
What is in bone
Is not expected from the [bone] marrow.
It is known that marrow is not added with heart.
Yet all of them, separately, constitute one whole. [each one is part of ONE whole]
It is not seen that
Star looks at star.
Yet in sky,
They can not stay as separate from one another. [star==saint]

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Let you find what you take in [from] chat
In your lifetime… [we wish that you perceive what you read in ONEness of HEARTs while you are on earth, in body...]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akşiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel