8 June 1973
I am Mevlana.
Building of life, door of caravansary are open to the pleading of the human.
The most beautiful one of the temperament is in the one who says
For each one that happens, “It is good deed because it is from HIM.”
Who is the one who guards the tower?
Who is the one who fires canon at the fortress?
Neither the one who comes, nor the one who goes;
Everything that happens is from The Lofty One.
“Be patient my human, let me give,
Let me show the one that is beautiful.”
It is neither from that nor from this,
The one that happens is because of the order [command] of The Lofty One.
If the society gets corrupt,
There is of course difficulty in its administration.
In the corruption of the society, the universe is narrow for human.
If you say, “Why?”
Because he/she can not have enough of the matter;
He/she does not take [remember] the name of The Giver.
He/she does not believe in what the destiny traces.
“Let me take, let me give, let me gather the earth for myself,” he/she says.
My Allah sees each event, gives with patience.
Let greeting be to all of you.
Let our chat
Be showery, not destructive,
Be sewer in the soil, not uprooter.
If you say, “Kerbela [Karbala] is the roasting one of the path[s],”
I say, “It is the one that kneads HIS human.”
While my Allah was creating the universe,
HE created not only the spring season,
But also summer, winter, and various seasons.
To HIS human at the [north or south] pole,
HE gave power to endure the ice.
My Allah thinks of HIS human more than you do, I do.
HE gives the events according to his/her hal,
HE gives to his/her tongue according to his/her heart,
HE makes him/her rest along HIS path.
Let us say, “My Allah,”
Let us thank HIM for every hal that HE gives.
You take your [spiritual] water in accordance with the measure of your cup;
You find HIS path in accordance with the measure of your heart.
In each point, you see the universe.
Life is in me, skin is in you, let us find in the universe.
When 'life is in me' is said:
[it means:]
The one who knows that Darling is in heart.
When 'skin is in you' is said:
[it means:]
The one who sees HIS attribute on earth.
My word is not private, it is for all [humans], for each one who takes.
When 'I burned' is said,
“Let your fire that burns, not go out,” I say.
I recognize the gazelle from its eye.
I say that the path of each human who is created
Is toward HIM
[regardless of]
Whatever situation he/she may be in,
Even if he/she appears to the eye of human as sinner.
If we say, “Let us see [a] human who is without sin,”
Then we fall in the biggest fault
Because faultlessness is special to my Allah.
Each situation that is contrary to my Allah’s orders
Makes measure be lost in human’s scale.
Do not go after the one that is lost,
Do not say word about the one that got out of you.
If you say, “Why?”
“[because] You are not its owner,” I say.
What is the one of which you are the owner?
Is it Darling, is it your skin, or is it your merchandise that is on earth?
The only thing that you own
Is your deep love that you have for my Allah.
What you will give HIM, is only that.
Nourish your deep love so that you can say, “My Allah,”
So that you can present [it] to HIM when you arrive [at HIS presence].
The one that HE gives to each one who comes [to earth],
The one that HE says about, “My human, [this is] yours,”
Let us take [it] back as HE gave.
[the above verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: each human is born on earth with the same amount of the LIGHT of Allah. During his/her lifetime on earth, due to bad intentions one wastes God’s initial LIGHT. At the time of migration to after earth life, Allah grants human’s spiritual degree according to how much he/she could save from his/her initial LIGHT…]
Where is the place of the oath?
The one who is faithful knows:
Oath in the name of my Allah
Is only taken to [on] the path of my Allah.
If you say, “Let us wish for the one that is not enough,”
I did not see anyone who found the one that was enough.
Human who says,
“My Allah, what YOU gave is enough,”
Finds his/her place, sets up his/her throne,
Sees his/her destiny in his/her wool ball. [wool ball==lifetime on earth]
Would you say to me where the peace starts, where it ends?
Peace does neither start nor end.
Because no border is drawn.
Peace is in human’s own heart.
The one who says, “Let my intention come true, let my God-given share be full,”
The one who sees his/her God-given share as insufficient,
How may he/she be in peace?
If you say so,
Then you doubt about the giving of The Giver.
If you say,
“I conformed to the will of God,
During the period when my life was in body,
I knew that I was its guardian,”
If you know that each one that happens is from HIM,
[then] Peace is in you.
If it is said,
“There is injustice in the distribution of God-given share,”
[then] It is fault.
Is each one whose God-given share is abundant, in peace?
Take the peace into your heart.
If you say,
“Let me pick the most beautiful of the flower,
Let me raise the most beautiful of the animal,
Let me eat the most beautiful of the food,”
[then] You serve your body.
However, the one to be nourished is your spirit.
The one that will make you live forever is only that.
Body is to come, to pass, [body is temporary]
Whether it eats less or more, it is migrant.
Do not forget that no injustice occurs at your migration,
One does not even mention [it] [about injustice].
Because [at migration time,] human is at [a] place where he/she knows his/her own measure.
In order to say, “I lived,” it is necessary to find here. [in order to say, "I lived," it is necessary to know The Reality while still on earth, in body]
Let us try to love, even the sick cat.
Let us know to praise, even when he/she throws stone at us.
The one who asks [about] path to you, even if he/she knows his/her path and sees,
Let us show [him/her].
Our direction is for my Allah’s each human who wishes.
Let him/her come from all over the world, let him/her ask HIS path, let him/her take [HIS path].
If you say, “Who are you?”
I am in the service of HIS humans.
In event, if you say, “Fault is mine,”
Does Satan come to you?
If you say,
“My Allah, forgive me, I conformed to Satan,” [to conform to Satan= [Turkish idiom meaning] to yield to temptation]
Then you put Satan between Allah and yourself.
We built the mosque,
We set up Kaaba in the heart of human.
Let us say, “Ya Allah,” on the path of HAK. [ya=O ...!/Oh ...! (used to show strong emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rabbi! O Lord!/O my God!]
Let us plead for all humans.
Let us plead saying not 'I' but 'we.'
In 'we' let us find HIM.
If I enter the “meyhane,” [meyhane=bar/restaurant like public place in 14th century where wine was served]
If I say, “One glass of wine,” [then] I am in me.
When I drink the wine, [then] I am in all [humans].
The one who is faithful knows:
The one who is hungry, eats his/her fill.
If you say, “What [does he/she eat]?”
Whatever he/she wishes.
Whoever puts the light shoe on, he/she becomes traveler. [put on light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad] [traveler==human walking forward on HIS path]
Whoever looks for the tree, he/she is the one who finds.
Whoever walks in the sun, he/she is the one who gets sunburned.
Whoever gets drunk [in heart], he/she whirls.
Each human ascends to heaven according to his/her [spiritual] measure.
Even trees get taller toward the Lofty One with respect to the measure.
Do not say, “Let us call [him],” because he is [already] here,
His heart is in [with] you in every moment.
“Hay,” he said, he wished for word. [hay==human separating his/her heart from his/her body]
The ones who remember my name,
The ones who burn from heat,
The ones who say, “Give water,”
The ones who wish for [spiritual] water to The Lofty One.
We presented [spiritual water], take,
Fill your containers.
Lift the earth.
If you say, “How?”
To the one who wishes, I say, “My power is in the pinkie.”
I walked saying, “Darling,”
Saying, “My beloved one wrap [me],”
I burned saying, “Ember.”
I was fooled saying, “Earth exists.”
Is earth nonexistent?
If I say it exists, it is existent,
If I say nonexistent, [it is] snow.
If I work for you
I add the one that is snow, to the one that exists.
I do not think of the hikmet of my coming
Because I do not fall in doubt about The Creator.
I opened Friday to my pleading.
I chose Tuesday according to my heart.
I looked at Wednesday as the day of good deed.
When Sunday came, I ignited the stove.
On Thursday, I opened my intention.
On Monday, I looked at my surrounding.
On Saturday, I opened my book of accounting.
I reflected, I tried to distinguish among the virtue of the days,
My power was not enough,
The one who is faithful knows...
I said to the one who separates the day from the day, [I said to the one who discriminates among the days]
Who favors [one day over the other one] saying, “Beautiful day.”
Let it be as you hope for,
Let the one who comes from the path, find,
Let him/her know the mosque as residence.
If it is said, “What does it mean?”
The mosque is the building
That separates earth and after earth life,
That peels [human] from the universe,
That makes [human] remember HIS Being;
It is door to [for] the heart.
Let us stop at the caravansary, let us ask the caravansary boniface:
If you say, “Let us seek Musa [Moses],”
“You wished to come to your senses,” I say.
If the one who suffers, cries,
If he/she says, “My power is not enough,
Let Isa [Jesus] rush to my help,”
He/she of course sees that his/her path opens.
If you say,
“I burned my Allah, make me full,
Let me reach the intercession of Fahr-i Alem,” [Fahr-i Alem== Pride of the universe, the spokesman for the universe, Prophet Mohammad]
Then you find peace in the sea of both worlds [i.e. earth and after earth life].
He said, My Yunus walked.
I am Mevlana.
I took the word.
I saw the one that is in each heart.
To the one who wishes, I gave when he/she whished.
If you say, “Why is it not clear?" [why is your chat mystical?]
Every thing that is clear is condemned to be thrown away.
However, our path needs to be opened.
In each one of your difficulty, if you read our writing,
Then you take response to that.
Because The One Who writes, The One Who draws is One Pen.
What HE created/creates is the whole universe.
Read once more,
Read once more,
You will solve each one of your events.
My pleading with my Allah:
Let HIM be pleased with all of you.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
11 June 1973
I am Mevlana.
I saw nicely, [I am welcomed]
I saw head on the soft path. [I saw humans who committed themselves to HIS path]
Each path has caravansary, there is traveler in its caravansary.
Traveler’s temperament does not harm the water of the caravansary boniface.
Let hearts be pleased;
The place of the caravansary is pure,
The heart of the human is HAK.
There is no wall that is without owner.
Sheep/goats are not driven without shepherd.
If the end of the road is not known, [then] the end of the event does not give fear [does not scare].
Each human cries [shed tears] at birth, laughs at migration [time].
One laughs for each one who is born, one cries for [each] one who migrates [to after earth life].
The one who comes, cries because of knowing, [the one who is born on earth cries because he/she knows that he/she enters the body that is indeed a cage for him/her]
The one who goes, laughs because of seeing. [the one who migrates to after earth life laughs because he/she sees The Reality]
“Let there be no body, let one see without curtain,” is being said.
If it is like that, how does one get the [spiritual] measure?
Determined day is the beginning of the path, not the end.
[spiritual] Ladder is the last step;
It shows the beauty, the ones who go are remembered with pleading.
“Let my Allah be pleased,” is said.
The one who takes, rejoices for the one that he/she took,
The One Who gives[, rejoices] for the one that HE sent.
In the sap, there the essence of the flower.
Does the mark of the hand stay on the knee that you did not hit? [to hit one’s own knee==(Turkish idiom) to feel remorse for (something, having done something)]
Is there deep love for the face that you do not see?
My Allah makes HIS human’s joy be shared
With the one who rejoices, with the ones who love.
If you say, “How?”
If you share your joy with the one who loves,
[then the] Peace [is] broader.
If you try to add your joy even to the one who does not love,
Even though it may not happen to him/her, it gives even more peace to you.
It is easy to share your love with the one who loves.
If you call the one who does not love, if you remember [him/her] with nice chat,
Even though he/she may have no answer for you,
Your own peace is big.
Of course hajj is among compulsory conditions of Islam.
However, even when saying “its conditions,” border is also drawn.
If the one who says, “I can not go [to hajj],” who saddens,
If he/she helps the one who has no food on his/her table,
Then he/she makes more good deed than going [to hajj].
Is the one that is hoped for, found at the place where each condition is fulfilled?
If each one who sits at the table, says,
“My food found its flavor,
[however,] Leaf of the rose wilted,”
Then does he/she find what he/she looks for?
The one who wishes for peace,
If he/she knows that each event that he/she says about, “It did not happen,”
Is good deed,
[then] His/her heart fills with peace.
Because we know that
Each event that you see as not happening
Is directed towards good deed
According to the vision of my Allah.
If it is said,
“Neither let my world become dark nor let one become [spiritually] mature quickly,”
Let one not think that each one who matures [spiritually], is someone who does not see [who is blind]. [do not think that one needs to suffer in order to mature spiritually...]
Each place where the water flows is not one [the same];
Some flow on flat plain, some cross mountain.
For that [reason] let us say,
“Let my Allah open door of good deed,
Let HIM choose HIS human’s heart [like that],”
Let us be prayerful.
In HIS patience, there is the peace of HIS human.
Which one is faithful human:
The one who builds the mosque, or
The one who opens his/her heart there?
Of course the one who opens his/her heart.
The one who builds the mosque
Is its owner.
We headed towards HIM.
We looked
At all HIS humans,
At HIS creations,
At the place where the water flows.
His/her sand became finer, [he/she sifted his/her sand / he/she became spiritually mature]
His/her path came closer to the ocean. [ocean==God]
I gave the questions. [I answered the questions]
The one who comes closer, knows him/herself. [in order to get closer to God, one needs to come to his/her senses...]
Worship is your debt,
Love is your mortar.
Let your love be abundant,
Let your debt be paid to HAK;
[however,] Debt without love resembles [a] cheap auction merchandise.
Compassion is [a] giving of Allah.
However, it is not given to the one who does not love.
Mistakes are not rolled up if they are not made.
The one who says, “Let me fill the square,”
If he/she shouts saying, “There is fire!”, it is filled;
However, when it is filled, the liar is despised.
Set up in the square [a] caldron of ashure; [ashure=pudding made with cereals, sugar, and raisins]
[the square,] It is filled even though you do not call [anybody].
[moreover,] Each human remembers [you] with good deed.
There is only that to take from earth and go. [one is exalted as much as he/she is remembered for his/her good deeds...]
It is seen that God-given share of compassion of all of you
Is abundant.
The one who says, “I became faithful,”
Is the one who pleases the heart of each human whom he/she remembers.
HE gave the matter to earth,
HE put the meaning in heart.
If the universe is yours,
You can not distribute God-given share to HIS humans.
On the other hand, your love may wrap the universe many times.
The place where the sand is,
Is the place where the water arrives at,
Is the place where it unites with the ocean. [ocean==God]
Marble wall is the one that becomes dam against what the torrent brings.
“What does that mean?” is said.
His/her good deed:
There are such good deeds that
It brings the pardon of all faults.
There are such faults that
It takes away all the good deeds.
What a happiness for HIS human who has marble wall.
Next to the one who is happy, happy human is given of course.
Let us say:
Good deeds
Are the opening of the path,
Are the selection of your heart. [your heart is selected according to your good deeds]
Let us throw the smoke away from your heart.
When you say,
“My Allah is in me, I am in HIM,”
Peace is with you.
Do not be daunted by lateness,
Do not complain about difficulty.
Rejoice for the good deed of the one that happens late;
The one that is difficult, is the one that saves you.
[if an event is difficult for you, if it slows you down, and causes another event to be late, or not to happen, know that this is for your good...]
Each step that you take upwards
Opens your heart like in the example of flower.
If you say, “Why?”, “What will happen?”
It resembles fishing in the well.
Neither is earth yours, nor are you earth’s.
Let the caldron boil anyway.
Neither could the poet who migrated, explain,
Nor did The One Who wrote the universe. [The Reality is so well hidden from humans who are in body on earth...]
Even if my foot is in water,
As long as my heart is not in Darling,
What does the path do with me?
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
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