20 June 1973
I am Mevlana.
[when] Faithful takes the [HIS] path, [then] our day becomes always joyful.
All of you, start the beautiful day saying, “HIS good deed,”
Believe that it is good deed.
Nest’s foundation is the wish of each human; [nest == Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
His/her heart’s foundation is the hope of all [humans].
The wine that I present, each human who wishes, takes;
Our path opens to each one who wishes.
The path on which faults are not gathered, [if fault is not repeated]
Let it be known that fault is not seen;
Be at ease.
Guest wishes for laughing face,
Owner of the house [host/hostess] says from heart.
Let us not say [bad] word to the one who does not conform.
Let us not force the one who does not wish.
Our chat is for the one who is satisfied [with our teachings].
Brave person enters 'meyhane,' cupbearer gives the wine; [meyhane=bar/restaurant like public place in 14th century where wine was served]
The one who is not brave,
Neither does he/she know its digestion, [he/she gets intoxicated]
Nor does he/she find HIS path. [? Nor does he/she find his/her way [to go home]. ?]
Say to him/her:
Chat is my life,
In my life [there is] my rose,
In my rose [there is] my path.
If you do not conform, do not come;
If you do not come, do not hear;
If you do not hear, do not give to tongue [do not talk about it / do not gossip about it].
The bug that is seen with the flower that opens
Comes to take what it hopes for.
Let one not think that each flower gives what is wished for.
In each body, blood circulates;
Each blood that circulates, does not conform to the wish of the human.
The one who is faithful knows:
Blood is water of essence.
What is water of essence?
Is it not water of life?
If it says, “Do I say that I do not conform?”
The one that is gossiped about, has no place in heart.
My Allah stones the lifetime of the one who puts stone on HIS path.
If it is said, “How?”
Of course HE does not let HIS faithful human’s path be blocked
By the one who does not conform.
[however, for the one who does not conform:]
HE spreads stones that will make him/her find him/herself,
HE makes him/her fall on his/her own.
HE both protects HIS faithful human
And makes the one who does not conform, find.
Human’s complaint becomes those stones.
When putting up [a] wall, let us look behind it,
Let us not put the mortar insufficiently. [when putting up a wall let us look behind it, not beyond it [i.e. do not be curious to see beyond it] so that we do not put the mortar insufficiently...]
Let us not ask [about] the trouble from human, [let us not hold human responsible for the trouble, sickness…]
Let us not say, “Remedy is from you.”
Since we know that trouble is from HIM,
Let us wish for the remedy to HIM too.
“In life we found HIM, we said, 'Darling,'
We found HIM in sand so that
We said, 'Your path my Allah,'”
He said, my Yunus came.
I exist at each place
Where dawn is seen,
Where the field is plowed,
Where my heart spreads out.
The reason I exist is because I found HIM.
I found HIM
Because I arrived in Milky Way.
We wished [for HIS path],
We searched,
We promenaded,
We saw [HIM in HIS creations],
We walked [on HIS path].
We melted in The Being of my Allah.
YOU made [spiritually] mature, YOU made see, YOU made find,
YOU made plead for all [humans].
We pleaded, we wished, we said, “Let us be helper.”
Voila, we came again, we have been one with you,
We have been pir in hearts.
If the pleading of the one who is pir comes true,
If Misri Niyazi says, “Let us chat,” he sits at your table,
Do you say, “Would it not be better if you did not come?”
Would you close your heart doors?
We conformed to the one that is important, we came, we entered the chat.
Greeting to HIS chat master humans
Who return [come again], who laugh, who say, “Welcome.”
To overcome the difficulty would not come from you, [you would not have to overcome the difficulty yourself]
If you know HIM in life. [if you knew that Darling is in you]
Mystery would not be solved by you,
If you conform to HIM sincerely.
To conform is
To be patient,
To know that what HE gives is good deed.
Is there any one that/who is not HIS?
Is there any one that/who does not come from HIM?
We opened the word [we explained], we chose the chat.
Mevlana says:
Let us not know the word from HIS human, the trump from Satan;
Both word is from HIM and the trump is from HIM.
Let us keep away from Satan that is in Koran,
Not from the one that we created ourself.
“What is it?” is said, Satan’s being is asked.
The place at which there is no
“LailaheillAllahMuhammedurResulullah” [=Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]]
Is Satan’s.
Since there is no place at which there is no
““LailaheillAllahMuhammedurResulullah,” [=Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]]
There is no place for Satan either.
He is also an existing being that my Allah created,
As Koran writes,
Not as HIS human solved.
Omar says:
Do you try to add me to your being?
I am from HIM.
I devoted my body to conform, to be under the permission of my Allah.
Is your power beyond me?
Say to him/her:
If Satan is partner in your sin,
Why do you not share your good deed too?
When there is your mistake, you say, “I conformed to Satan.” [to conform to Satan==(Turkish idiom) to yield to temptation]
[on the other hand,] You claim the ownership of your good deed.
Both crime and good deed belong only to human him/herself.
Neither is it bought, nor is it sold, nor is it shared.
He said, he greeted all of you.
[it is] Necessary to respect the effort.
Not the one who rows the rowboat that is tied.
If you say, “I cried for HIS deep love,”
I say to you, “Why? Is it not necessary to laugh [instead of crying]?”
Neither do I burn [in heart] for the one who goes [to after earth life],
Nor do I return [to after earth] in vain. [I do not mourn deeply for the one who migrates to after earth life [because he/she is born in The Reality]; I will return to after earth life after passing my test on earth]
Jug [is] earth’s merchandize.
I wish for HIS rain.
If it gets full, I experience difficulty while carrying [it].
If it is not full, it goes easily.
Do you fill it with stone so that it is heavy?
Then do you not fall in empty effort? [then would your effort not be in vain?]
The one that comes from the one who is faithful, is the one that is added to chat,
Is the one that is waited for with curiosity.
Smoke finds its way [out] through the chimney,
Peace comes to HIS human through the door.
Let us ask the one who opens the meaning,
“What is the one that you will give to chimney?”
I told before, “Even fire is water,” I said.
If you say, “Its proof?” it is evident.
What is the smoke that comes from the burning fire?
Where does it go, how does it come back?
When human gets fever, how does he/she sweat?
The essence of the universe is water, even its stone, even its soil.
“When determined day comes,
When its stone, its soil becomes water,
When HIS humans find HIM,
They will know the birth,
They will perceive The Being at that time,” she said,
Hazrat Meryem entered the word. [Virgin Mary joined the chat]
The day on which determined day occurs,
On which HE smiles at all [humans]
Will of course be seen.
Our day's longing will untie on that day.
Let you be entrusted to my Allah.
I am Mevlana.
Who is the one who washes the hearts?
I told before, each human him/herself.
Chat is only its manifestation.
Each human that gets on the ship, is its passenger,
Captain is the spokesman of the passenger.
Each human is responsible for him/herself.
Do not know from us, be pleased for your hearts.
Let you be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you find HIM in all.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
25 June 1973
I am Mevlana.
From the word of the [spiritual] washer, from the saz of the player, [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
Pleasure is gotten, soft path is found.
Not conforming of the one who does not conform
Is like in the example of weeds turning green in rose garden.
If you say, “Let us protect the rose, let us clean the weeds,”
Of course it is not mistake.
The one who is faithful knows:
The path of the one who is faithful, is cleaned from the one who is not.
If ever you say, “My Allah created the weeds too,”
It should not be forgotten that every thing is beautiful at its [appropriate] place.
Weed [is created] to feed horse.
If it jumps to rose garden, [if it grows in the rose garden]
Its end is 'to be plucked'
For the rose to be protected.
At the place where there is sand, stone on ground pierces the eye [calls attention].
If it is said, “Does my Allah not see, does HE not put in order?”
Of course HE puts.
However, my Allah gives mind to HIS human so that he/she uses his/her logic.
If human spends [does not use] his/her logic, he/she stays on dusty path…
Each one saying, “Let me worship,” enters the mosque;
Each one saying, “My Allah,”
Each one who conforms to the rules of conduct of the chat, enters the chat.
Essence is right, word is right, is the path of the nest curved [wrong]? [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Harvest that is fresh, [harvest] of which the bud is ripe
Fills the stomach.
The one who wishes for engraving is the one who attends our chat.
Our door is also open
To the one who does not wish for any engraving,
Who comes saying, “Word.” [who does not take our chats seriously]
Outside of the chat, state [situation] of the earth is seen.
Each human spends his/her day with what pleases his/her heart.
The wish is that each human is on HIS path,
That he/she conforms his/her heart to each heart.
If you say, “Let your day pass softly,”
Choose the one whose heart is inclined to heart.
Say, “Eyvallah,” to the one whose [heart] is not inclined, pass [ignore him/her].
Chat is table of HAK:
You eat whether it comes as sweet or sour,
You find its taste only in the mouth.
[as] I said, outside of the chat, you stay faraway.
Do not say, “It does not happen,” wait from The One Who makes happen.
The fruit that is not eaten, is thrown away.
Water is of course added to the food that you eat.
You can not walk without tiring your foot.
If you do not cover [yourself with] your quilt, you can not get warm.
The rule does not change.
What is seen in the leaf of every flower?
The leaf that comes first
[is] Both bigger and stronger.
The leaf that comes later
Even though it may be [at a] higher [location], it is small.
Its being is only ornament.
Its difficulty is in its service.
Under the force of the sun, the one that turns yellow first is the small leaf.
Work always falls onto the one that comes in front.
Respect nourishes love.
Human who knows to respect, does not stay as deprived of being loved.
Disrespectful human is insulted sooner or later.
The one who says, “Let me not break [heart in] my surrounding, let me not fail my [spiritual] test,"
Is of course on HAK’s path.
If what would become the situation of the one who says,
“Let me take my acquaintances to my test,
Let me look after my [own] situation,” [let me get help from my acquaintances, let me use the opportunity for my own benefit, let me take advantage of the situation]
Was known, human would stay away from human.
Events walk, go,
The one that does not walk is only the intention.
Intention is definite decision.
Decision, [is] The Lofty One’s; intention, [is] yours.
'Let me plant the tree,' is intention.
'Let me eat its fruit,' is intention.
To eat, [is] God-given share.
Your logic sets up your intention, my Allah [sets up] its way of coming into being.
The intention that will come true, HE makes HIS human set [it] up,
HE makes his/her intention come true sooner or later.
What his/her deep love takes, whom he/she gives to, is read moment by moment.
Human is tested according to his/her intention, not according to his/her way of living.
Your way of living is written in “Bezm-i Ezel,” [Bezm-i Ezel==book in which God recorded cumulative destiny of all humans]
And your intention is drawn day by day.
With which power of yours do you draw?
[you can not draw, because]
Test is not with body.
In Bezm-i Ezel, the line of the body is written.
As I told, the water that evaporates from the ocean, [ocean==God]
[analogy: think of the water that evaporates from the ocean as analogue to human]
How does it take its test?
While in the state of water, or in the state of ice,
Or in the state of snow?
Only at the place where it flows to.
Each one of its state[s] is written by HAK,
Conforms to his/her [? its ?] intention.
Sometime it [? he/she ?] submits to wind,
Falls onto the ground;
Sometime it [? he/she ?] crosses mountains,
From mountain, it [? he/she ?] falls into the ocean.
Voila, test is made of that intention.
The One Who decides and The One Who makes decide is The Lofty One.
Only until your intention turns towardS HAK,
HE keeps you busy on that path, makes your intention come true.
When HE makes [it] come true, HE makes you find your mistake.
When you turn to HAK’s path, HE shows [you] your [spiritual] maturation.
In one case,
HE makes his/her intention come true in order to make HIS human find his/her mistake.
In the other case,
HE makes his/her faithful human see the good deed of his/her intention.
While saying, “Let me set up my home, let me furnish [it],”
If you can afford it, you think, you set up your intention.
If you can not afford it, what is intention? Dream.
If you hang the mirror on the wall, [while] its back facing the front,
[then] You can not see your day, you can not ask your skin.
We became ready, we loved and loved each beautiful one.
We wrapped the universe saying, “Beautiful.”
Earth affair: cook the food, rise the eyebrow,
[yet,] Do not make barbed allusion about someone.
Whatever happens, happens, [events happen]
The one who knows, takes, [the one who knows that the events are created by God, takes his/her lesson, conforms to events without complaining]
The one who sees, knows. [the one who sees HIM in HIS creations, knows The Meaning/The Reality]
If he/she matures, he/she walks. [he/she matures spiritually, walks on HIS path, takes his/her spiritual degree...]
If he/she does not ask, you do not give. [if one wishes for The Meaning, God sends him/her spiritual guide; if he/she does not wish for The Meaning, leave him/her alone, do not give, do not force...]
If he/she does not embrace, you do not gather. [if he/she does not embrace HIS creations, you do not gather him/her with the ones who do]
You can not lift the cover of the roof. [you can not see The Reality while in body [you can only perceive IT]]
You are content with what there is. [be content with what you have]
Do not give up your day to set up [a] small mosque.
Human’s small mosque is every side of the universe.
Kaaba [that is in heart] is human’s direction.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
2 July 1973
I am Mevlana.
I am at the leading end of the paths of faithful humans in each moment.
When he/she is called “faithful,”
When he/she comes to hal, [hal==to find oneself in water, air, sand, soil, tree, leaf…]
When he/she stays without question, [when he/she knows that all events are created by God, and accepts them without any question/complaint]
Soft is his/her heart.
If you said, “My Darling,” if you put in heart,
If you lost consciousness because of your deep love,
What do you expect from the summit?
Do not say, “Did we [spiritually] mature?” [so that] you do not stay away from the [HIS] path.
Do not put the heart to the summit.
[do not measure your own [or others'] heart; only God gives measure to hearts...]
If you wish for a wish
You say, “I conformed to Your giving, I wished that YOU increase.”
If you do not eat, do you get full?
Do you get enough without taking?
Do not carry the chest [when it is] empty.
In the love that you do not give, do not get confused about your future.
If you tie four corners of the handkerchief in [one] knot,
Do not think that it falls. [do not think that the one that is inside the handkerchief would fall]
The border of the science is in the hand of HAK,
In the tongue of the wise one, in the heart of faithful human.
The border of the science can not be drawn,
The secret of the universe can not be solved.
Universe keeps as many secrets as the number of all humans
Who came [to earth] and migrated [to after earth life] since Adem [Adam].
With each human who is born, a new secret is born.
For that [reason] the secret of the universe can not be solved.
Brave person can not be knocked on his/her knees.
If cupbearer presented wine, it can not be spilled.
The one who could not find what he/she hoped for, can not join.
[During his/her test on earth, human is expected to be content with HIS Giving. Human who says, "I could not find what I hoped for," is not content with HIS giving, therefore, can not join the ones who have been content...]
Be [on] faithful human’s path [because]:
His/her hand is in HAK,
HIS rose is in his/her heart.
HIS soft human, his/her beautiful temperament;
His/her [spiritual] water [is] at the source [spring].
We said, "Life," we found the life,
We said, "Darling," we embraced HAK.
In the word of "eyvallah" we found the salvation.
Hazrat Musa [Moses] says:
What the fruit that is forbidden, gives,
Is the one that human puts in heart. [human is curious about/runs after the one that is forbidden...]
Hazrat Meryem [Virgin Mary] says:
For the fruit that she did not eat, my mother did not say, “Its leaf [was] scarce.”
She did not look at the fruitless tree saying, “It is unnecessary.”
It is of course beautiful that the one who winds his/her wool ball
Knows his/her place.
I am Mevlana.
The end of the chat does not come, human’s word does not run out.
Helmet does not protect the head;
If writing came from HAK, does [can] human stand in front [of it]? [if hurting the head is written in destiny, can human protect his/her head by wearing a helmet?]
If the creek is with stones, let us gird the loin, [to gird the loin==in Sufi order, a mureed girds a symbolic loin after completion of a certain spiritual education...]
Let us get [spiritually] ready in the nest. [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation] [if the creek is with stones==if human is not like sand, i.e. if he/she is spiritually immature]
Let him/her drink sip by sip
So that he/she can take its taste,
So that he/she can say, “HAK gave my day,”
So that he/she can put his/her heart to the market of love,
So that he/she CAN sit on heart throne if he/she knew [how] to love.
Building is set up with Whose hand?
Call to prayer is made with Whose tongue?
Universe is watched with Whose eye?
"You should not have climbed the tree,
You should not have held the branch that would break,"
He says, my Yunus enters the word. [my Yunus joins the chat]
If apple is on branch, heart is in rose. [similar to how apple is on branch, heart is in rose...]
If it rained a lot, HIS blessing [? HIS water ?] is on flatness [flat ground].
The interpretation of the day is next fall. [? The interpretation of the day is in the fall that will come. [the interpretation of the chats occurs when human matures spiritually...] [fall==fall season of human, i.e. when human matures [spiritually]] ?]
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
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