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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 55

2 October 1977

I am Mevlana.
We give like in the example of sun.
In events, we see The One Who is HAK.
To the one who wishes to become spiritually wise:
“Let him/her stay in braveness,” we say.
Braveness takes to ONEness,
ONEness [takes] to peace.
Thanks to braveness, he/she matures [spiritually],
He/she comes together in love.
The one who says, “Let me be spiritually wise,”
Mixes in the order. [becomes part of the order]
Let selam [peace/greeting] be,
Let him/her find his/her hal
In the one who comes.
[? Let the one who comes
Find his/her hal too. ?]

The one who takes place in enrolment
Is the one who separates him/herself from the surface,
[he/she] Is of course the one
Who is overwhelmed in love with beauties.
Word of the one who is on the surface
Flies on the day like in the example of dust.
When knowledge and love are mixed,
One fills the place where he/she matures [spiritually].
[? One fills the place where he/she is [exists]. ?]
The Reality is that:
Let one say,
“My place is this.”
Let one pay importance
To each one who has place,
Saying, “From Darling.” [because he/she is from Darling]

In the event
That you open page by page,
That you choose at passage,
That you are especially enrolled in:
In human, [among humans,]
The one who matures [spiritually] is known.

The One
THAT you found when you came [to earth],
THAT you took from my Merkez [at the chat on 30th September 1977]
Was given before;
IT was connected [explained]
Not with joke
But with Essence.
The order [orderliness] that you get over with,
Your solicitude that you knew to cross,
Is of course not disorderly.
The one that is valid
Is the one who will find his/her progress [on HIS path] on the day.
Give as much [spiritually] mature as you are,
As much as you know.
However, give even
To the one who is not soft,
To the one who does not stay in order.
He/she will try, he/she will condemn,
At the very end, he/she will say, “Remedy for trouble,”
He/she will find the savior in your love.
Whatever one’s measure of value may be,
Let each one who takes
Be mixed with what you give.
Give from your knowledge,
Give from your love.

Measure in wideness
Is as much as the space that you take. [wideness==when human gets free of earth load, he/she rises spiritually; his/her scope of vision widens similar to when one looks from the top of the mountain as compared to from the skirts of the mountain…]
In the environment that you divide,
You can not find your diameter. [if you divide [instead of gathering all humans], you can not reach wideness]

Intention is that:
Let the wideness be according to your wish.
What matures in you is this.
What you say about,
“Let four be multiplied by four,
Let its value be shared with the one who wishes,”
Is that.
Let my Allah be pleased.
“What is multiplied four by four?” is said.
[1] What you take,
[2] What you know,
[3] What [how much] you mature [spiritually],
[4] What [how much] you love
Is the summary of [spiritual] maturity. [? Is the summary of existence. ?]
What you wish to share
Is of course Consent of HAK. [HAK gives HIS Consent that you share The Meaning]
Whatever they say,
Do not fall in worry.
Do not forget:
What you give,
Is above what they will take. [each one takes as much as his/her jug...]

The worry of the one who enters the disorderly order
Is irrelevant,
Because event is without condition.
You erased the conditions,
You knew without duration,
You saw your enrollment as appropriate.
You wore the light shoe like in the example of the brave one.  [to wear light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]

What the one who divides the worry by worry, will take
Is divine merit.
“What does it mean?” is said.
[to search] Remedy for the worry of the one who is worried
Is your worry.

There will be
Judgment of the one who hears,
Respect of the one who knows.

My Yunus wished for word.
"You came as the brave one
To the one who saw the one who conformed to word and hal
In judgment,
You left the judgment on the path," [to human who had prejudice about another human who conformed to the teachings of our chats, you came as the brave one; you had no judgment about him/her]
He said, he greeted.

[Ibni Sina says:]
“He/she found satiety
In the surrounding and on the face.
He/she saw the conformity
In beautiful and ugly:
“Beautiful finds in tongue,
Ugly [finds] in hal,” he said,
He gave the summary of the event,
As such, he/she erased ugly. [There is no ‘ugly’ among the creations of Allah. However, HE educates the human who is not on HIS path, who sees ugliness, by putting stones on his/her path, i.e. through events…]
Let the worry of the one
Who is brave,
Who comes on the path
Be erased,”
He said, he walked.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

4 October 1977

I am Mevlana.
If you wish to take from the sun, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
If you say, “Let me run away from shadow,”
Work to be in conformity,
[work] To be filled though heart,
Get used to conform to each hal.

Do not say, “Inharmonious,” about yellow and purple.
Do not find beautiful and ugly as unsatisfactory.
Do not fall in separation in snow and ember.
Do not rope the causes around the waist of anybody
Saying, “Lasso.”
Grace [is] from my Allah,
The Power of The Creator.
Crime [is] from you.
You interpret the causes according to your heart,
You fall in crime.
The value of coming to earth is
Not to debate on events
But to look from the events at the specialty,
To find one’s self Essence.
In the event that he/she wishes
He/she searches beauty for him/herself;
In the event that he/she wishes
He/she says, “Painful,” he/she thinks.
If you know that you will laugh at the event
For which you say, “I suffer pain,”
[then] You judge yourself. [not someone else]
Each human praises the past day;
[yet] On the day on which he/she is [present], he/she regrets.
Hence, it is
Not the painfulness of the event
But the rush of HIS human.
If human looks at events
Not from the direction that he/she wishes
But from all directions,
Then he/she finds the flatness.

In humans of The Creator,
There is the specialty of creation.
In patience,
There is the beauty of the specialty.
What is meant by patience:
Let you look at events saying,
"Not from human
But from my Allah,"
Let you find in ring, the point of the circle.

Of the one that is crushed,
There are some that fall around.
You are not from the ones that are crushed.
You give place
Not to birth
But to vision.
Do not forget:
There is never fault in birth,
However, there may be faults in vision.
In my Allah’s order [system],
You can not solve the events
According to birth-death.
The one who knows that birth-death is because of my Allah,
His/her looking at the events to be because of human
Is fault of vision.
Since humans make events happen,
Is human not faulty?
Eyvallah [affirmative],
Of course human is [faulty].
Yet The One Who sees what human does,
The One Who reads his/her heart
Is my Allah.
Let us vote for The Order, [let us accept HIS Order without complaint]
Let us see The Beautiful One like that.
Let us take lesson
Not from history
But from the nature, [nature as in 'mother nature']
From the ‘hikmets' of the creation. [hikmet=1. wisdom. 2. philosophy. 3. real meaning, hidden meaning. 4. purpose, point. 5. the unknowable intentions of God.]

“I vowed, let me pay,
Let me take from Meryem [Virgin Mary],” you say.
“I will come to the chat,
I will see good deed in the order [orderliness],”
She said, Meryem came.
The Beauty that you made come into being in your soft heart,
Practice [it] in your hal too.
I am called as 'Meryem,'
I am remembered.
I know that you say, “My mother.”
We have heart-to-heart talk with your mother,
We unite in vision.
My coming is because we are in the feeling.
We come together with love,
We chat from fort to fort.
Let us come into being with your love,
Let us come together when remembered.
We are under the command of The Lofty One,
We are in the heart of the one who loves.
Let me give what you say [about], “Give.”
And if you conform to my saying, “Conform,” [I say, "Conform," if you follow my advice:]
I am pleased in heart.
We entered intensive chat,
We conveyed your entrusted one to The Post.
“Ya Allah,[ya Allah==thank YOU for my God-given share, I accept without any complaint]
Ya Allah,
Ya Allah,
Give peace on earth Allah,”
Be prayerful.
My Allah sees the one who wishes,
Gives what he/she wishes,
She said, Meryem walked.

I am Mevlana.
Tablet [that is made] from iron,
Page from the nest
Are opened.
Meryem [Virgin Mary] comes to chats.
You wished from more lofty humans,
Yet what opens the doors
Are your hearts.
“We will come
Until Garib’s migration [to after earth life],
We will give all together,” we said.
We opened the path
That gives the birth, [birth==to come to one’s senses]
That takes to hearing,
We connected [them] to one another.
What will give order to new events
Is the current of love;
Religions-races that are among humans [religions-races that separate humans]
Are added to one another
Only with the tie of love.
You have your place in the new one,
You have your duty.
Let us say, “Eyvallah [goodbye],”
Let us tie the word. [let us end today's chat]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

6 October 1977

I am Mevlana.
The one who knows to eat
Is the one who conforms to satiety.
The one who knows to love
Is the one who is ready to give.
Let us say, “Eyvallah,”
Let us know that we are ready.

Causes are
Not from earth
But from The Lofty One.
The fact that we conform
Is because of the night.
The one who knows the day
Divides the night.

If there is no order [orderliness],
Does the one who is degenerate, mature [spiritually]?
Let one not say, "Wrong."
In the order [orderliness]:
The one who is degenerate is known,
When he/she does not conform,
The one who knows is searched.
When ‘we will give’ is said
It is that.
Fault is not in the order [orderliness]
But in the one who is degenerate.
To change the order
Can not be within the power of human, of course.
If the one who sees the degenerate one
Is from the ones who know,
He/she does not stop of course.
We gave directly:
To the ones who are from the ones who know,
To the ones who conform from heart,
“Your duty!” we said,
We called [them] to duty
Under the command of The Lofty One.

The ones who are in administration,
Together with the ones who are in supervision,
Touch the soil like in the example of rain,
Let them spade like it is [done] before the rain,
Let them keep [it] ready for planting.

(Question: What is implied by ‘rain’?)

What is called as ‘rain,’
Are the ones [the chats]
That have been being given until the [current] day,
That will be given after the day.
We gave before:
“Let its soil be satiated,
Let it come to [a] state [situation] of giver,” we said.
Our soil is ready,
Let us be doubtless.
Doubt blocks the giving.
Soil that is satiated,
Even if it is covered with snow,
Even if it is coated with ice,
It never stays away from giving.
On the contrary, it becomes stronger.

We took beautiful paths,
We knew beautiful days.
We tried to become [spiritually] mature,
We decided [to stay] in conformity.
We were swaddle, we were opened,
We became bridge, we were crossed.
“The Giver,” we said,
We were chosen.
Let my Allah add power to your power,
Let HIM throw away the doubts from each bodily constitution.
Our path is together, hand in hand,
With sevens, path in path,
Like in the example of leaf and branch, hal in hal.

We will give The One That exists,
We will love the one who says, “IT does not exist.”
The one who says, “IT does not exist,”
Is the one who searches,
Is the one who combs the difficult
Like in the example of tangled hair.
Patience will be in us;
The one who says, “IT does not exist,”
Will try harder.
Let us take the path, without condition,
Let us hold by arm without waiting.
Let us see the one who is narrow,
Let us roll up the one who is difficult.
Let us find Darling in the one who searches. [how much narrow [in vision] and/or difficult [in temperament] one may be, let us always remember that Darling is in him/her too...]

“Close friendship with close friend
Is hal of human.
Close friendship with the one who is difficult
Is hal of the brave one,”
He said, my Yunus took the word.
Let us be hand in hand,
Let us set up the chats day by day;
Let us be one with the one who sets up,
Together, let us see the flow of the water, [flowing water flows to ocean] [ocean==God]
He said, he gave the word to Meryem [Virgin Mary]:
The one who can not cross from mountain to mountain,
The one who can not fall from the top of stone,
Neither does he/she find The Beautiful One of the mountain,
Nor does he/she stand in the order [orderliness] of the stone.

Even though The Reality is searched from the leaf
It is known that it is thanks to The Root.

In each moment, time is asked:
In time, there is birth, [birth==to come to one’s senses]
In birth, there is [spiritual] maturation.

In the word of the one who says,
“My place is so narrow,”
If place means ‘earth order [orderliness],’
Let us say, “Do not stay away from the heart.
[on the other hand,]
The one who makes his/her heart walk around,
Who makes [it spiritually] mature with the universe,
Of course he/she sees the earth as narrow.
She said, she brought greeting from the sevens.
[Hazrat Meryem's chat ends here]

“Let there be selam [peace/harmony],
Let him bring conformity
From yesterday to today,” they said,
They enrolled Toktay to the page. [Toktay is a male human name that is formed from two other words: Tok=full, satiated; Tay=young horse]
“How?” is being said,
“From whom?” is being asked.
What he knew without sleeping,
What he found when he woke up
Is ‘tay.’
He has place in the building [in after earth life].
Even though his name is not remembered,
He has path with ‘tay.’
While looking and looking at the nature, [nature as in 'mother nature']
While bending and bending his knee,
He crossed his day from the day,
He reached his Owner like that.
His love was smeared to HIS humans from there.
His name stayed as Toktay.

In the day’s interpretation, Mevlana takes word,
Gives essence from his deep love.
What I found in the order [orderliness]
Is what I gave with care [essence].
What I gave with care [essence]
Is what I displayed to all [humans].
Only on my earth day, I could not find the root of my deep love,
I could not know Whom it was coming from.
I saw Shams, I thought [it was] from him.
I knew because of flower and bug.
I saw the well and the pool,
“Is my path from there?” I said.
By wandering around and around
I found the ocean. [ocean==God]
When I found the ocean,
I did not stay away from embracing even the drop.
I knew from Omar
That I took from the new one,
That I gave to our day.
Like that
I found equality between his deep love and my deep love.
I wrote crazily,
I said crazily,
I said that I loved fully, according to my heart.

‘Mesnevi’ is being said. [Mesnevi=Mathnawi, collection of Sufi teachings by Mevlana Rumi while he was on earth in the 13th century]
Let it not be thought that each one that fell from mouth
Was written.
They are the notes of the day[s]
On which I was sober,
[on which] I held pen.
“The one who took note?” is said,
It is asked what Zerkub wrote. [Zerkub was one of Mevlana's mureeds]
Both the one who wrote and the one who solved
Were not enough;
My word did not end
Until my breath was cut. [until I passed away]
Breath was cut,
Years were passed,
Still word is added to word,
Deep love [is added] to deep love.
“How is deep love added to deep love?” is being said.
Are your deep loves not from the ones that are added to my deep love?
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you.
When we say,
“In every line that is written,
Let my Allah’s name be remembered,”
Is that.
In the writing of the one
Who takes note,
Who says, “My Allah,”
There is call to love.

We said before:
Let it be added from our word,
Let sherbet of honey be presented. [sherbet= sweetened fruit juice]
It is written like in the example of honey.
In its value, there is call to his [Prophet Mohammad’s] ummet. [ummet= 1. Islam the Community of the faithful, the worldwide Muslim community. 2. those who believe in a religion founded by a prophet.] [according to ONEness of HEARTs: Prophet Mohammad's ummet==all humans]
Let my Allah be pleased with all [humans].
When it is added from our word,
When it is thrown to [word] lines,
It is called, “Sherbet of honey,”
It is presented to each bodily constitution.
Let my Allah be pleased.
At the place where water flows,
Let the one who knows him/herself, find.

Let us say, “Goodbye,”
Let us give the last word to my Yunus:
If Mevlana is caravansary boniface of the path,
If the ones who take, come-pass,
Would take and carry our word,
Would make Yunus lay down at the root of the tree.
Our giving is not like in the example of
'Caravansary boniface-traveler.'
It is the chat table at which
The one who wishes for remedy,
The one who says, “From where is my path?”
The one who expresses his/her deep love at the chat
Come together, have heart-to-heart talk.
It makes
Even the ones who say, “[it is] Like that, [or] like this,”
Pass from question to question,
It makes [him/her] find the right [correct].
Let us say,
“Blow,” to wind,
“Have fun,” to every branch.
Let us say our love to the places where it passes.
Let us send selam [greeting/peace],
Maybe it finds the one who knows,
Our selam stays in his/her ear.
Similar to how there is the trace of our voice
In HIS humans who came [to earth] as guest
And returned [to after earth life] as they came. [i.e. without wasting HIS Light]
In each selam, there is the word of HIS Representative.

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Know that selam is from HIS Representative.
We gave from the new one,
We greeted the ones who take from the new one.
We pleaded saying,
“My Allah,
Add power to their power.”

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

8 October 1977

I am Mevlana.
“Beautiful day,” we said,
We gave the one that comes.
We loved the one who is on the soft path. [? We loved the one who matures [spiritually] on the soft path. ?]
Jug will be full,
God-given share will come from the day.
The place of the one
Who matures [spiritually] with pleading,
Who becomes filled through heart
Will come into being with his/her Helper.

We greet all [humans].

We wore the light shoe, [light shoe/to wear light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
We started the journey,
As such, we found the order [orderliness].
Let us stay away from oath.
Let us not criticize
The one who comes on creek,
The one who swims in lake;
Yet let us take place in
But ocean. [ocean==God] [flowing water flows to ocean; lake does not…]

There is no judgment of the one
Who knows ITS Progress; [who knows that the events are created by HIM]
There is no worry of the one
Who says, “My Allah.”

In variety,
Let us find The Beautiful One;
Let us not search darling in equal [only].

The one who is [spiritually] mature
Takes the place of the one who is said about,
“He/she does not mature [spiritually].”
The one who is [spiritually] immature
Stays outside of the order.

There is beauty in conformity,
[there is] Specialty in knowing.
Even if we do no love in shape,
Let us search his/her/its Essence,
Let us screen his/her/its degenerate [sides/habits].
Let you be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you erase the shadow,
Let you take light from the LIGHT that is in your heart. ['matter light' has shadow; HIS LIGHT is shadowless...]

Beauty is that
Let him/her be from the ones who hear,
Let him/her know the one who gives his/her hand.
We are hand in hand in ONEness of HEART. [there is no mistake, there is no 's' at the end of HEART]
Our path is open
With the one who comes, who passes,
With the one who loves, who respects.
We gave before:
Do not stay away from loving,
Do never dive into an event that you say about, “Inharmonious.”

In each moment that you remember
We are next to you.

I am Mevlana.

I gave sip by sip:
If four doors open
You walk to the one that is ahead of you.
Order is always to the one that is advanced,
Not to the one that stands behind.

Human’s path opens by erasing and erasing the doubts.
Doubt takes to the right [correct], without additive.
Doubtful human finds the most right [correct],
Gets free of obsession.

You will continue to take.
[you will mature spiritually:]
The day on which you stay without additive,
[the day on which] You erase the doubts.
No one is offended
From your hand,
From your tongue.
Let you erase the worry.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akşiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel