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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 6

22 February 1973

I am Mevlana.
We conformed to HIS record, we heard the one who says, “Come!”
We greeted all [humans].
Neither did we erase the stranger, nor did we stay as separated from the one who conforms.
We only loved, loved, loved;
In our love, we found HIM.

If you say, “Let me be everlasting,”
Recognize HAK,
Know the creation,
See the creation.
You can not know without seeing,
You can not love without knowing,
You can not find without loving.

If you say, “Let me not stay as separated from Justice and HAK,”
[then] Know that even the mud is from HIM so that you conform to the one that is HAK.
Happiness is when you can say for each event, “From HIM.”
Deep love is such that you can give up your life for HIM.
Life [is] from HIM, body [is] from HIM;
What is there that is not from HIM?
The only one that you can give to HIM is your deep love.
If you find HIM in wind,
If you know HIM in torrent,
[then] Can you say, “Earth is bad”?

Despotism of the one who is tyrant
Ends at the place where his/her power finishes.
However, The One Who gives him/her power as well as The One Who takes [it back]
Is again The Lofty One.
My Allah gives [him/her] permission saying,
“Until where can he/she take his/her intention?”
At the place where the permission ends, there is return of the human.
Is his/her [tyrant’s] return [to after earth life], liberation of all [humans]?
Each human takes his/her own measure.
The one that is written, neither does it change nor does it go wrong.

The One That I find in myself, is only The Lofty One;
The One That I see in all humans is The Same too.
If it is like that,
Am I separate [from HIM/from humans]?
Are humans separate [from HIM/from me]?
When one embraces each human,
When it is asked to the universe,
None falls in separation.

The one who seeks HIS path,
The one who seeks and finds,
Does not turn back.
If your fire burns, it does not go out.
Human whose fire burns, does not know the night,
Because he/she does not stay in darkness.
[Previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: during sleep, spirit of the human who has permission from Allah, meets with other humans of the same spiritual level and/or his/her saint. Human's spiritual education continues during such meetings that take place in Light…]

The day on which you give place to smoke,
You cover your humanity with shadow.

Each creation finds his/her/its value after he/she/it is worked up [chiseled, processed].
When you see the reed, you do not know its value;
When you weave [it] as basket, [then] you take [it] to your arm.
The value is that:
You recognize each given one through his/her/its essence.
Let you love the basket because of the reed.
The value of the day
Finds its place when HE fills your heart. [when your heart is filled with HIM]
If you spend the day with sleep [i.e. not knowing HIM], of course you can not know [the day's value].

What is meant by 'being soft' is
Not to break when being hit, not to break and fall into pieces.
If you can be broken, [then] it is necessary that you soften further.

Each human says, “I am right,” when he/she takes his/her each step.
When it is like that, find him/her as being right too so that
You can share your earning.
If you say, “Is divine merit shared?”
Of course.
Faulty move shows itself sooner or later.
When you took him/her without fault, [when you did not say that he/she was faulty]
You earn his/her love.
Do not say, “Let him/her not love me, I do not care!”
We gave before:
'To love, to be loved' is the order [command] of The Lofty One.

My Yunus wishes for word.
He walks around the heart gardens,
He presents his love to each one who wishes.
He presents to the one who wishes, to the one who does not wish.
If you say, “Is there anybody who does not wish [for his love]?”
If no window is opened in hearts,
If no path is taken and walked,
If it is said, “My love of Allah is sufficient!”
[then] Of course the love of my Yunus is not wished for.
Nevertheless, my Allah is “One” with all humans, there is no separate one.
The ones who are gathered because of the information that is said without knowing,
Fall in separation. [humans who take and follow wrong information, stay out of unity]
Since HE is in Yunus too,
Since HE is in Mevlana too,
Since HE is in all humans too,
Love becomes circle, wraps all humans.
If you look in the mirror, you see yourself,
In yourself, you find HIM.
Is HE in you, [or] are you in HIM?
Let the answer be from you. [can you answer this question?]
In the situation of earth, HE is in you,
At your migration [to after earth life], you are in HIM.
If you say, “Do I erase earth?
Do I come to YOU Darling?”
“Wait for your [migration] day,
Add to your heart, endless one of the deep love,” HE says.

The perception that is the right [of the human], starts with the migration. [normally human learns The Reality at the migration time]
Perception [of The Reality] on earth is as much as the logic can take.
If you say, “Does each human have the same perception?”
If human divides his/her logic into many places,
Then his/her perception falls, of course, short.

Each event that is forbidden is [for] the salvation of human.
When it is like that, let the evil that will come, not bother you. [do not be upset when evil comes to you after you commit an event that is forbidden…]
At that time, can you say, [then you should say,]
“I pushed the line [of destiny] so that evil came to me.” [the evil that came to me is the result of my wrong doing]

If it is drunk as poison, it kills;
If antidote is wished for, it gives cure.
In each moment, sift your wish through the fine sieve of good deed
So that even poison gives cure.

Let us give the word of Yunus.
If he/she does not mature before coming [to after earth life], do not think of going [to after earth life]. [mature spiritually before going to after earth life]
If it does not break before hitting, do not think of throwing [it] away. [if human does not soften on his/her own, do not think he/she is abandoned by God; God will soften him/her like in the example of stone hitting another stone…]
If you say, “Why did I come to earth?
What did I look for, what did I find?”
If you fall in interrogation, [if you complain, question the events]
“Open chimney for your smoke,” I say.
If you came to earth to seek, learn to seek:
Where do you seek your belonging that is lost?
Of course at the place that is closest to your hand.
If you seek The Lofty One, where do you find [HIM]?
Of course in your heart.
If in your heart there is The Lofty One,
[then] HIS creation is [there] too, must be there.

I am Mevlana.
In beauty, each human has different idea: [when one talks about beauty, each human has a different idea]
Some [of them] say, “Beautiful,” to blonde hair,
Some [of them] love brunette.
Yet, they all are beautiful.
Let us not separate the beautiful, let us love [even] the dry autumn leaf.
If you say, “Is falling leaf loved?”
Ask that to the soil that loves.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

23 February 1973

I am Mevlana.
To the giving of The Lofty One,
To the vision of HIS human,
To his/her love for all humans,
I added my love that is heart-full. [my love that is as much as my heart can take]
I greeted all [humans].
Our path is one, our heart[s] [are] together.
Neither did we abstain from narrowness,
Nor did we complain about difficulty.

Fault is
Not in the occurrence of the day,
But in the interpretation of the day.

Wish for shade saying, “We do not burn.”

Do not give up the old one in order to take the new one.
What is it that you take from the new one?
The deep love that you fall in,
HAK’s deep love that one does not get enough of.
“Do not throw away the old one,” I said.
I said [about] your love.
Love is the universe.
At the place where love ends, deep love starts.

Straw bag hides what is inside;
Only the one who carries it, knows [what is inside].
My Allah presents to HIS human who wishes for [HIS path/The Meaning];
HIS human who is worthy, HE first tests him/her.
HE never takes back what HE presents because HE is not mistaken.
Happiness is in the one who knows HIM,
Happiness is in the one who loves HIM.
Peace is yours only after the moment in which
In which you wait from HIM,
[in which] You say, “Eyvallah," for what HE gives.
Let it be known that salvation belongs to the one who says, “Eyvallah.”

Did you see the flowers, did you gather one by one?
Did you bend forward toward the violet?
Despite all of its beauty,
Its neck is always bent forward. [it looks shy/sad]
Yet, one bows before it.
Rose never bends its neck, why?
Because it is the spokesman of other flowers. [flowers==other humans]
It does not look at anybody, but The Lofty One;
It does not seek [anyone else].
He [Prophet Mohammad] does not ask,
“What is the one that exists, what is the one that does not exist?”
“Not to question” is one of his attributes.
Let us stand in the sun, let us burn, let us return to shade; [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
However, let the shade come from the tree. [God’s tree of which Mevlana is branch, humans are leaves…]

HE does not leave HIS human in unbearable sorrow.
HE does not leave the one who falls, without patience.
Say, “Whatever comes, let it come from HIM, let HIM overwhelm me with HIS patience.”

Is it easier to take the silver than to take the gold? [silver==matter; gold==The Meaning]
'To take the gold' is in accordance with your the heart;
'To take the silver' is [in accordance] with your God-given share.

If you say, “Do I go to mosque, do I practice 'namaz'?” [namaz=praying while prostrating]
“As much as you can arrive in my Allah,” I say.
Because my Allah is
Neither in the building [of the mosque], nor at the door [of the heaven],
But in heart.
Be wherever you may be, wish however you wish;
Just say, “My Allah,” [from the bottom of your heart]
[then you will see that] It happens in the way that you hope for.

Your heart [is] in HAK, your path [is] in purity.

“Let us put on the light shoe, let us enter the path of vineyard,” you say. [light shoe==footsteps of Prophet Mohammad]
We put on the light shoe long [time] ago,
We pruned the vineyard,
We devoted our heart to my Allah.

Did you see the swallow, did you enter its nest?
Do not say, “How do I enter?”
'Entering' happens not only with foot,
But also with eye, with heart.
With foot, body enters;
With eye, the evil eye [enters].
Let the one that enters, be heart,
Let it please even the swallow.

I saw your heart.
You say, “Let me arrive at the unreachable mountain,
Let me be one with HAK.”
Do not forget that there is no unreachable mountain
Once one hits the road… [once one starts the journey]

The one who appreciates the pigeon,
The one who knows the dove with its temperament,
The one who recognizes nightingale with its voice,
Is the one who tries to wrap [embrace] the universe.

Do not give sound to well, open your heart as you know.

Say for each event, “It is appropriate.”

In what you eat, know HIM,
In what you see, find HIM;
Be with HIM as much as you love.

Does meyhane erase the patch? [meyhane=bar/restaurant like public place in 14th century where wine was served]
Does it roll up the human who does not know HIS path?
If you do not know HIS path, [then] you ask [like that].
If you say, “Where do I find the dervish lodge on the [current] day?”
On the day, dervish lodge is not necessary
Because you can not find what you wish for,
[because] You can not take the one that conforms to your heart.
What I present is yours, is for each one who wishes for [HIS path].
I do not keep away from giving because it is
Not from me but from The Lofty One.
I am on duty to present in the moment you wish as much as you wish.
Human is on duty for human.
When permission comes from HIS place,
My word finds its value.

Human’s destiny is written once.
Patience ripens unripe grape, matures human [spiritually];
Do not say, “It [patience] kills.”
I said before, human can not escape from his/her destiny:
He/she can not reap the wheat that is not ripe,
He/she can not cross the water if there is no bridge.
The biggest peace of faithful human is patience.

Mevlana is said; did one have a glance at his lifetime?
I knew to come to my senses by the order [command] of The Lofty One.
I found HIM in Shems. [Shems=mursheed of Mevlana when he was on earth in body]
I divided the earth, in division, I knew that I was wrong.
'To know" is 'to find' too.

What is it that one seeks in beauty?
It has neither border nor depth.

If you say [bad] word to [about] the litter that fills the canal,
[then] Look for fault in yourself.
Clean the litter before it comes to the canal
So that it gives no harm to you.

I am Yunus, I came.
I found in word the most beautiful one.
I became one with Darling, I knew the summit in the heart.
What is 'the summit in the heart'?
The apex of the tallest tree.
I walked around according to my heart, I listened to every sound.
When sound[s] become many, then intention becomes less.
When sound[s] become many, it mixes with one another; [when there are many sounds at the same time, they mix with one another]
None [of them] can find its owner.
The one who takes sound, can not be responsible.
“Summit is also difficult,” I said, I took the path of vineyard.
As long as stood in the sun, I was peeled. [sun==Prophet Mohammad] [thanks to the teachings of Prophet Mohammad, I got free of my skin [i.e. earth load]...]
Life [is] my house, Darling [is] my home,
“You are sufficient for one another,” I said.
“Path is convenient,” he said, my Yunus walked.

I opened path to chat.
This is what I say to the one who wishes for [HIS] path:
Do not refrain from taking, do not be bored of giving.
Do not keep your word away
As long as you do not stay away from HAK’s path.
Human who will hesitate, can not find our path anyway.
Be entrusted to my Allah.
All of you, find salvation.

If I join the circle to the circle, [if humans holding hand in hand [and forming a circle] join humans holding hand in hand]
What comes to hand [what is obtained]
Is the one who erases the worry.

The one who takes from the water is the one who stands at the place where the water flows
Even though he/she says, "Mud,”
[even though] He/she says [bad] word to [about] the soil.

[clay is a kind of soil:]
It depends on how the sun burns; [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
[its] Mud slips over the soil.
Why is the worry?
Mud that is made of clay makes slip, [however,] do not think that is harmful.
Look for the fault neither in human nor in water.
It is human’s creation.
Similar to how clay is [a] kind of soil, human is like that too.
Clay’s structure, even if it becomes slippery when it takes [water],
If you give enough [sunlight], you take in hand the [earthenware water] jug.

You seek the snow in winter, the shade in summer.
You do not ask its reason;
One does not oppose the law.

The writing of his/her destiny is not given to human’s hand.
Even if it is given, he/she does not know to read [it].
Even if he/she reads, his/her power is not enough to draw [it].
One does not run away from what will happen.
How hard one may try, one can not get out of the line [of the destiny].
The one who says, “Let me go to the box, let me protect myself against death,”
Does not think of the thunderbolt.

The one who says for earth, “Guesthouse,”
Is tolerant of the fault of the guest.

Do not consider “faraway” as far: distance is in [for] body.
Let hearts be close, let them cover the distance that is in between.

The one who cares about his/her good deed
Is the one who turns back and looks at his/her behind
When passing the passage.

The one who keeps his/her power away [from helping others] is the one who doubts The Giver.

Human can not give the value of human,
[because] He/she can not reach what my Allah sees.
[if he/she tries to give the value of human]
It is not liked in HIS presence.

Sugar’s taste is [lasts] as long as it is in the mouth.
Pepper’s taste lasts longer
Because it gives pain.
For that [reason], saddening event is forgotten later.

If event’s solution was in you, in me,
We would give hand in hand, we would have already solved [it] yesterday.
If I say, “We would write more beautiful writing for your destiny,”
It is irrelevant:
My Allah writes for HIS human the most beautiful writing.
'To change the writing [of the destiny]' is neither in you nor in me.
The most beautiful one is in the one who says, “My Allah writes,”
And conforms [to events].

Stone, if it is hit to stone, it breaks;
By hitting over and over, it crumbles into bits,
In water, it finds its value.

To say word to [about] the tie of the destiny
Resembles saying to spider, “Why do you make web?”

We have been together with the one who comes, with the one who laughs.
We wished bright day for all of you.
One does not stay away from what happens;
[however,] For the one that is said about, “Evil,” [for the event that you call as "evil"]
When it is said, “From Allah,”
[then] One does not stay without peace. [if one knows that every event is created by Allah, then one finds peace]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akşiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel