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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 59

1 November 1977

I am Mevlana.
If he/she does not mature [spiritually] on HIS earth, [? If he/she does not [spiritually] mature appropriately, ?]
If HE does not fill your heart,
HE is not searched in interpretation,
HE is not found in dormitory.

We are next to the one
Who passes through the notch,
Who opens the page,
Who chooses The Beautiful One, with worry.
For the one who asks about his/her worry,
“He/she chose The Beautiful One,” we said.
However, he/she could not yet erase the worry.
In love, he/she is filled,
With hal, he/she matures [spiritually], [? With hal, he/she comes into being, ?]
He/she comes together with Darling.

My Lofty Allah.

My Allah,
Let us stay away from oath,
Sees your trouble,
Becomes Helper. [HE helps]
Smoke covers your place,
When day comes, [HE] opens your path.
He/she is not without Owner.
He/she found the reality,
Yet he/she entered the worry,
He/she interpreted the events with worry,
[this] Does not disperse his/her smoke.

In HIS each human who speaks,
The path that is wished for, comes into being.
The one who gives place to the ship,
He/she provides his/her enrollment
Thanks to the sea.
I did not come across the ship on land. [ship==ship of which the captain and the crew are the saints, the passengers are humans who wish for The Meaning...] [ocean/sea==God]
Blessing [is] what you say,
Bread is what you eat,
Notebook [is] what you write.

“Let me take from iron,
Let me put [it] in strong building,” is being said.
At each table,
It is eaten
Not the one that is wished for
But the one that is God-given share.

We give as much as we take,
We see until the endless.
What is meant by ‘endless,’
Is each human’s
Seeing-taking-hearing frequency.

Satiety is valid not with intention
But with conformity.
The vision of each human [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Who tries to conform
Opens day by day;
His/her [spiritual] value is chosen
According to how he/she knows like that.
The judgment of the one who is chosen
Is not from human.
Its worry can not stay in human either.

One takes when day comes,
It is known by the one who searches… [human who searches, when it is time, he/she learns/knows...]

“I drank soup, it has no salt,
I gave sound, it has no saz,” [saz= a stringed musical instrument]
Is said,
Let salt be in hand,
[let] Word [be] in tongue,
Let the one who does not hear
Ask from the one who is without tongue, [let deaf person ask the mute]
Let the one who sees
Give to the one who does not see,
He said, my Yunus entered the word.

One makes joke to the surrounding
So that he/she hears,
So that he/she conforms to what is in him/herself.
When it is said,
“Let me separate from the bunch,
Let me find item by item”:
In what the water gives: phosphorescence.
I said about the one that is asked about. [I am talking about the question]
Beauty of the water is not evaluated by phosphorescence of course,
It is only [a] game of shadow.
What you take in the dormitory
Is the one that you asked Mevlana.
The moment in which
The one who is full remembers his/her hunger
The joke of your vision.

What is said in essence
Is the value of what is interpreted.
[when] It is known that there is conformity in vision, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
[then] One enters the new one like that,
Like in the example of phosphorescence.

What is crossed in notch,
What is measured by intention:
Is the measure of the fact
"That The Reality is in The Lofty One,
That HE gives The Beautiful One to HIS human"
Opens his/her vision. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
The one who says,
“Let me see The Beautiful One”:
He/she first matures [spiritually] with image
Like in the example of phosphorescence,
He/she gets used to conformity like that.

“The Reality [is] in The Lofty One,” we said.
When you come [to after earth life],
You become one of the ones who know.
[on the other hand, you may also become one of the ones who know, while you are on earth:]
On the day
When you get used to conformity,
When you are mixed with each event.
What is 'each event'?
'To find
The Beautiful One in beautiful,
The Beautiful One in ugly'
Is to be mixed with each event.
Each event’s interpretation is ONE.
Human’s taking is abundant;
It is necessary
That he/she sits at his/her place [in after earth life],
That he/she comes to water at the same level,
Not to the place where water flows. [it is necessary that he/she drinks and digests the spiritual water...]

At the place where the water flows,
If ever you put patch,
It overflows, it goes. [if you put patch at the place where the water flows, water will overflow, patch will be of no use...]
Each human’s heart
Is his/her cup of taking.
You take to be satiated,
When you distribute [disseminate], you expand.

In [the case of] deer,
If its necessity is asked:
It shows
Its trace [footprint] on snow,
Its eye in love.

The one who [? The One Who ?] inspects is witness
That you spend effort to take,
That you find as much as you love.

What the rising sun gives [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Is not covered with cloud.
What [? WHAT ?] you take with sand,
What [? WHAT ?] you find with path
Is not closed [blocked] with stone
As long as you conform to The Beauty.

Your entrance to interpretation,
The one that you build saying, "Iron,"
Is the foundation of The Building.

He/she takes his/her place in The Building.
IT is seen from the window that opens.
From the path that is tried,
You take sieved sand,
You walk on HIS path like that.
I say to the child: [child==spiritually [yet] immature human]
On the bridge that you will cross
The one who gives value to The Building
Is seen.
If you conform to your diameter,
You find what you look for, in the surrounding.
You will find the one that is said about, “I will take.”
You will know ‘ayran’ from yogurt, [ayran= drink made of yogurt and water]
You will find the milk from yogurt.

Even though it is said,
“Rain that does not stop
Brings torrent,”
Channel takes away most of what flows.
In intention, one finds the one that is conformed to.

What you weave with love,
You will find with love.
You knew the sample,
You will conform to Your Original;
WHAT you try to take,
WHAT you wrap in love.

In Omar’s word,
In his essence [that is] without worry,
In the dust of the shoe,
There is the summary of the matter and The Meaning.

When you say,
“I took flour for dough,
I gave direction to mud,”
It is what [? WHAT ?] you search in The Reality.

Let us stay without additive,
Let us find each event in The Beautiful One.

Let us know the one who comes from the surrounding
As much [spiritually] mature as he/she is,
At the place where he/she matures. [let us accept each human as he/she is...]

There is place of the one that is easy,
There is direction of the one that is difficult.
Place makes wait,
Direction makes each one who wishes, find.
There is place [in after earth life] of the one who [spiritually] matures easily,
There is direction of the one who [spiritually] matures difficultly.
Place makes [one] wait,
Direction makes each one who wishes, find.

To the one who is guest [at the chat]:
If you erase
What you call as, “Worthless,”
[then you can not understand the meaning of our chats, because what you erased:]
It is valid.
We gave before:
Enter the writing piece by piece, [the writing==chats of ONEness of HEARTs]
Embroider like in the example of embroidery.
Motif by motif, when all of them end [when all of them come together]
Then it becomes one whole.
“Start,” we said,
We gave before.
[however,] You threw [away] the motifs that were tried.
When [motifs are] added to one another,
[then] One would enter the main clause.
Interim motifs will be written when its day comes,
Material will be taken day by day.
Wait, [and] see.
Read the ones that are previously given,
Weave all of them on the same loom.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

10 November 1977

I am Mevlana.
We gave the mirror of The Reality,
We saw the one who looks with love.
Let selam [peace/greeting] be.
As much as your arms take,
As much as your heart fills,
[that much] HIS human takes his/her place [in after earth life],
He/she finds his/her [spiritual] value like that.
Let my Allah be pleased,
Let the one who loves,
Find the one who loves.

Each duty is to [for] HIM,
‘Himmet’ is to [for] you. [himmet=sincere effort to reach God]
Himmet is the gift of my Allah
To HIS soft human.

You are in [the progress of spiritual] maturation,
[you are] In the dream of the one who loves.
The one who says, “himmet,” and comes,
The one who gives her hand to you,
The one who opens HIS path in dream:
You saw Meryem [in your dream], [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
She was the one with whom you held hand in hand.
Even though she does not look from eye to eye,
She ignites from heart to heart.
At each place where she goes,
She plants the seed of deep love.

Now the mirror is in your hand.
The order is being set up,
In the mirror, What is wanted is seen.
“Everything that I want?” you say.
When it is like that,
You see of course What you wish, in the mirror.
Do not forget:
Mirror is not the one that you hold in your hand
But the one that you hold in your heart.
It becomes true with your dream.
However, you fall in contradiction in interpretation.
Let you not take any dream from the wrong direction.
Let you interpret in the most beautiful direction that you wish.

If you fall in doubt in colors:
Think that each color is holy.
Angels represent each color.

Your effort is not inappropriate.
We will go to the ship,
We will find the captain.
We gave before:
The one who will come
Is the one who wanders from door to door,
Is the one who fights saying, “Frame.”

The one who is scattered
Tries to draw him/herself together.
We will say, “Close friend,”
We will go.

We are not at the place where the sun sets [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
But [at the place] where it gives.
“We will go to the ship,” we said.

“KIYAM,” is said [KIYAM==doomsday]
Not for the one that changes
But for the one that develops.
For the one that develops,
It is necessary to scatter.
In order to set up new building
At the place of the old one,
You scatter [demolish] the old one,
You build the new building.
KIYAM is that.
To get free of the old one,
To save place for the new one.
To prepare the new one means:
“Renew yourself.”

Specialty is in your heart structure.
You are of course among my Allah’s chosen humans.
The phases that you have been through were
Not 'waiting'
But '[spiritual] maturation.'

Time is to you. [time is in matter environment]

We gave you your inner world.
WHAT you see, you can not solve [IT], on this day.
On the day that comes,
You solve separately, separately.
Do not forget:
IT is not The One That you see
With the earth eye with which you look at the sun;
You see with heart eye that opens.
Because one can not look at the sun with earth eye. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
The place of the one whose heart eye looks at the sun
Is next to us.

About the one that you say about, “I could not cross,”
Think that you saw [it] in your dream.

In the interrogation of the one
Who takes his/her place [in after earth life],
Who knows him/herself,
The Reality resembles the sun that rises.

(Question: How did you benefit from Shams?) [Shams=Spiritual mentor of Rumi when he was on earth in body]

I found in Shams
Not my Allah
But myself.
From myself, I turned to my Allah.
You: you found yourself on the day when you said,
“I leaned [on YOU],
While watching, I saw The Beautiful One.”
We gave before,
It is given in your dream,
The Beautiful One is built like that.
[Previous two verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: during sleep, spirit of the human who has permission from Allah, meets with other spirits of the same spiritual level and/or his/her saint. His/her spiritual education continues during these meetings…]
[spiritual] Maturation on earth on the [current] day:
HE makes HIS human find [HIM] in accordance with his/her day.
If you say,
“Let me search Shams like in the example of Mevlana,”
[then] You resemble the nightingale that stays [that is lost] in desert.

(Question: Why is “Mevlana-Meryem,” and not someone else?) [Meryem=Virgin Mary]

Because of ONEness of aim.
Mevlana-Meryem are tied with ONEness of aim.
It means
That he/she comes into being with love,
That he/she comes together in Darling.
Who is the one who comes together in Darling?
Whoever he/she may be
As long as he/she knows his/her humanity.
To know one’s humanity [means]:
The one that comes from HIM
Whatever it may be
Whoever he/she may be,
Whether he/she gives or not,
To love [him/her] saying, “HIS human,”
To praise the [HIS] creation.

My Yunus gives too.
We held hand in hand:
Mevlana, Yunus, Meryem.
We told [you] that we would enter the chat in the nest [nest == Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Like that.

When its day comes,
You will solve yourself.
Yet, we said before,
Let us read the writings [chats],
The ones that we give newly too.

(Question: Why were Sumerians given?)

When its day comes, it will be solved.
Because past is the mirror of the one that will come [future],
That is why.
[Sumerians:] They found the last phase in wideness,
However, they stayed there.
Science of sky started with them,
Came until the day like that.
If they examined
What the moss [that is] in the sea
Gives to night and day,
One more knot would be untied in the universe.
Secret opens
Not by asking
But by waiting.
“Wait, see!” we said,
Didn’t we?

The one that passed
Is the mirror of the one that comes,
[yet] There is never turning back.

There is water at every place of the earth.
The place at which it flows to underground channel
Stays as arid.
What is being said [about]
Is at the southeast of the city,
Is at the region where its lake
Decreases-increases day by day.
Of course at the place where mosses grow.
The one who searches, finds,
The one who waits, sees;
[he/she is] The one who comes to his/her senses.
The one who loves
Promenades while winnowing the seed of deep love.
Behind the one who loves,
Blessing is abundant.
Let it not be thought that
Scattered seeds are wasted.

What you throw away from your bodily constitution,
You do not take [it] anew
If you are not nourished with the same nourishment.
You said, “Alcohol,”
As long as you do not appropriate [it to yourself],
It is not from you.

Let us take our place slowly and slowly.
Eat little, sleep little.
Let satiety and conformity be sufficient.
Let us give place
Neither to less nor to a lot. [==be moderate]

(You had said, "It is necessary that you lose weight." How do I lose weight?)

Eat parsley.
Eat abundantly.
When you eat, you will see,
You will melt like in the example of butter.
Like in the example of salad,
Together with your meal.

Let us leave the word to The Beautiful One,
Let us wait for the one who matures [spiritually] during sleep.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel