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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 8

14 March 1973

I am Mevlana.
We have not been longing because we have not been separated.
We wrapped nothing else, but the name of HAK.
We did not take the one who is 'namekan' from his/her path.
'Namekan:' the one who has no place. [we did not force any human to go on HIS path]

To HIS each human
Who gets free of the body on the path of HAK,
Who wishes for soft path,
I say, “Let your God-given share be 'to get free,'”
I spread HIS path in front of him/her.
If you say, “Is it in your hand?”
It is in my tongue,
The one that takes to my tongue is in my heart.
I give the one that is in my heart, without limit.
I gave before:
I said that until the [current] day, my deep love has been whirling,
It goes by being untied and untied, [it has been becoming more and more]
Do not think that it [my deep love] ends.
My deep love wrapped the universe million times.
HIS humans keep on untying it.

If you plant the tree, you wait for the sapling.
What you looked for in the seed, you see in the tree.

We gave that before:
Like in the example of moon, moon is only one.
Each human who opens his/her window,
Lays [it] in his/her heart in accordance with his/her pleasure, nature.
Of course, moon does not divide [into pieces] and [does not] enter each home separately.
The one who looks at it, sees, follows his footprint with it. [footprint of Mohammad]
[sun==Prophet Mohammad; moon==Hazrat Ali]

Our congregation to unite in ONEness is in one human.
Our path is given from HIM.
Is there anyone who/that does not give from The Lofty One?
The one who looks
As well as the one who sees
As well as the one who says
[are all] From The Lofty One.

Each poet writes poem according to his/her desire in the moment.
We know Whom the sun takes its giving from,
Do we know whom it gives to?
It gives to the one who takes.

If you seek occurrence in the one that is said for, “It does not happen,” [if you try to make happen the one that does not happen]
Then you stay away from interpretation. [then you do not know The Meaning]
Can you say, “It will happen”?
Can you rule over [command] the one that will happen?

Neither Mevlana
Nor Hadji Bektas
Nor Hadji Bayram Veli [had/has a book of his own]:
Each pir human who came from my Allah
Is the owner of one single book [i.e. Koran].
I said 'the owner,' there is no mistake.
Is the book not given to HIS human?
If so, each human is the owner of it
If he/she says, “Let me be the owner.”
Is it written in the name of my Allah, [is it written] for the path of HIS human?
Our path is all one.

Since Adem [Adam],
When we say, “My Allah,”
If you do not take [The Meaning], do we [need to] ask?
Do we say [to God], “Why did YOU not give?”
Giving is HIS, view is HIS, interpretation is HIS human’s.
Each human takes, gives to interpretation in accordance with his/her heart. [each human interprets according to his/her heart]

When you turn on the radio, you are not the only one who listens.
Each human turns [it] on; some listen to song, some [listen] to folk music,
Some turn to western [music], [and] he/she is pleased with that.
Various writings [like ours] are received like that [too].
[our] Station is the place where our congregation is.
There, there are all of them. [on earth there are all kinds of transmissions]
However, we chose HIS path,
We started walking, we gave hand to hand, we are going.

It means: “do not make mistake in taking precaution.”
Nevertheless, God’s will is not changed by precaution.
Why can it not be changed?
The One Who takes you to [take] the precaution, is The One Who gives place to God’s will.
If HE gave you the precaution, it is because it conforms to God’s will.
The one that is said, is a saying of Prophet Mohammad.
On the day when our HIS Representative lived [on earth],
It was his word said for HIS humans who stayed away from precaution.
The value of the word is the same on our day too.
However, the one that is God’s will, does not change with precaution.
Human’s duty is to make what HAK orders.
Do not leave your door open so that
You do not complain about the one that/who comes.
[remember that] The one that/who comes at that time is also from HAK.

I did not say, “Close your heart door.”
Let your heart door not be closed.

Angels open their arms to the baby who does not walk;
[angels] They run away from the front of the one [baby] who walks,
They play tag with him/her.
One says, “Why? [would the baby not fall down?]”
Let him/her fall down.
If you try to protect, you are mistaken.
However, let one not stay away from precaution.
Teach the baby how to laugh so that he/she always laughs.
Let him/her know that it [laughing] comes from the rose,
Let him/her take his/her God-given share from The Giver.

“Let greeting be to all humans,” he said, my Yunus came.
Let there be spring [season], let them set up festival,
Let them know the flat path, let them say, “Where is Yunus?”
Where do you seek Yunus?
What do you spade the soil with?
We spaded, we planted roses, we said, "Bunch," we sent.
We remembered in heart too as well as we found in chat too.
We said, "Festival," we looked after wife and children.
Of course because of the order [command] of The Lofty One.
How did you know Yunus, from where to where did you send him?
You asked [about] his being: we are from HIS Light of course.
If we said, “Come to our path,”
Let us please the ones who look after our path,
Let us be the one who rejoices and the one who pleases.
Let us ask the birds about the [HIS] path,
Let us say, “Would you be our guide?”
What do they say to us:
“Do you not have your hearts?”
Eyvallah,” he said, my Yunus walked.

We said, “Ignorant,” we gave book,
We asked about what he/she read in the book.
The one who is ignorant, [even] if he/she reads in the book, what does he/she take?
He/she only stays on the surface. [he/she could not go in depth, he/she would not understand The real Meaning]
He/she [only] knows the one who comes, the one who goes,
[he/she only knows] The one who migrates, the one who stays.
We poured the book not into his/her hand, but into his/her heart;
We became one with all [humans].
I gave the one who is called mursheed. [I explained the meaning of mursheed]
What is being sought? The Reality of the going on the [HIS] path.
Who does teach, who does learn?
[the one who teaches is:]
The one who migrates [to after earth life] after knowing the day of earth, the one who finds The Reality.
The One Whom I lean on is The Lofty One, the one that I open is the night.
Each human knows the day, [however, only] the one who sees [The Reality], opens the night.
Earth human can only give the day,
His/her cognizance can not solve the night.
The one
Who walked to HAK,
[the one] Who migrated from earth,
[the one] Who got out of the night
Knows the night, [and] gives like that.
Let the path be convenient,
Let our night find good deed.
[Previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: during sleep the spirit of the human, who has Allah's permission, meets with other spirits of the same spiritual level and/or his/her saint. Human's spiritual education continues during such meetings that take place in Light...]

Salvation is from HAK.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

16 March 1973

I am Mevlana.
We fell in deep love.
We said, “Let my Allah be pleased with the one who comes to our nest.” [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]

Do not subtract the one who is not [spiritually] mature from the one who is [spiritually] mature.

When HE gives [the spiritual meaning], do not wrap the surrounding, [the spiritual meaning is given to the one who wishes for it, therefore, do not force other humans if they do not wish…]
Do not stay away from the going of the path. [otherwise, i.e. if you force others to learn the spiritual meaning, you get out of HIS path]

Leave alone the one who matures [spiritually] as he/she matures,
[leave alone] The one who knows [The Meaning] as he/she sees. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]

HE is
In What all humans take,
In What you give.
HE is
In whom/what all humans embrace,
In whom/what you love.

My Allah gives each event according to HIS order [orderliness].

The fee of The [spiritual] Meaning is 'pleading.'

The relationship between suffering and [spiritual] meaning, is for HIS human who got out of [HIS] path.
If you are on HIS path,
You say, “The one that is not good deed does not come from HIM.”

The peace that the duty gives
Makes HIS human’s day, good deed.

Let us not fall in worry that does not exist,
Let us not give stain to the brightness of the day.

Heaven, [and] hell are in the heart of human.

Is there any one that is not from HIM?
[we are all from HIM, however,]
One conforms
Not to HIM That is in me,
But to HIS Being That is in all humans.
For that [reason], one finds salvation in oneness.
Separation is division, division is mistake.
[to say] 'You-I' is [setting up] intention for separation.

Intention is wergeld to body. [body pays earth part of the wergeld of a bad intention]

We are far from lie.

I found in the deep love for my Allah,
As such I came to all of you.

To make [a] promise in the name of my Allah,
For the one that is being done, is irrelevant.

Let hearts be pleased, let the one who laughs reach divine merit.

The one who says, “There is salvation in effort,”
Finds the other side of the effort as empty.
Each one that my Allah gives is [already] nothing, but the salvation itself.

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Find sweet food on the tray.
Set up the table at the ocean. [ocean==God]

There is neither enough one nor ending one of pleading,
It comes neither as less nor as more.

My Allah gives the one that is the most good deed, to HIS human.

HIS human’s pleading is written on his/her divine merit [side].

Soil to be planted is dug.
For that [reason], let us say,
“Thank YOU, we found our [Your] path,
We knew helal and haram,
We begged pardon for our mistakes.”
Let us add pleading to our pleading.

We reached my Allah’s favor, we found HIS coast. [the coast of the ocean] [ocean==God]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

4 April 1973

I am Mevlana.
There is no doubt
That I come not to the place where peace is, but from the place where peace is known,
That I give greeting to all humans.
Our path, our heart, all of us are one.
There is peace in ONE.
At the place where the rose is, hearts are pleased.
We did not say, “Let us come," we have been one within hearts.
Coming occurs when one is separate;
There is no separation in us.

If you say, “Do we separate the rose from its thorn?”
If it was not necessary, my Allah would have created the rose without thorn.
Rose is beautiful, each human knows, there is no denial [of that].
He/she complains about its thorn.
The one that is complained about, is the one that is not liked.
However, my Allah does not create inappropriately [without reason].
Therefore, complaint does not fall on human. [how can human dare to complain about the creation of my Allah]
Even if it pierces your hand, [even if] it makes your blood flow, [even if the thorn makes you bleed]
Each event finds the place that it deserves,
Each human takes in events the share that falls on him/her. [each human takes his/her own lesson from the events]

The one who finds mother-of-pearl
Throws away the shell of the bug,
He/she says, “Mother-of-pearl is not this.” [analogy with human's body and spirit...]

The most beautiful of temperament
Is to see each creation that exists, as beautiful.

You do not take [buy] the shoe that you will put on as tight;
If you take [buy tight shoes], you do not put on, why?
Because it does not conform to your size [measure].
Do not make your cuff tight,
Do not throw your heart into smoke.

Do not sell your essence to matter.

At the place where we promenade,
What is the one that we seek?
[we seek] The one that we wish it to come true.
Did you ever think of the one that you wish that it comes true saying,
"What is it?"
Following each wish that comes true,
There is another wish.
For that [reason] the wish that does not come true is benefit for human.
If you say, “How does it happen? [how come?]”
Following each wish that comes true, three wishes come.
Neither its end is found, nor its beginning is known.
For that [reason], 'being without wish' is the biggest one of the peace.
If you say, “Does one live without wish?”
It is one [the same] whether you wish, or you do not wish.
Eventually HIS wish will become true,
The one that HE wrote/writes, will be seen,
As such one will arrive at [HIS] presence.
For that [reason] I say,
The promenade is not by seeking, but by putting in heart.

This is what we say:
“My Allah, YOU are in me, I wonder where I am.”
Wherever human may be, my Allah is in him/her.
As much as human knows HIM, that much he/she is close to HIM.

The one who wishes for heaven, is the one who wishes for HIM.
Fear of hell
Is the one that takes human away from him/herself.
Since my Allah is in you,
Why is the fear of hell?

Does the wood that does not burn, become coal?
If we do not burn the coal, does it give flame?
Let us first burn [in heart], then let us find.
Let us erase interrogation from our path,
Let us get judgment out of our heart.
Neither question nor judgment falls on us. [questioning, judgment is none of human's business]

Hazrat Omar says:
[when I was on earth in body]
I was given the duty to judge.
I found with matter, 'interrogation because of the matter.'
To the ones who were master in [spiritual] meaning,
I gave Koran so that he/she did his/her own judgment.
Because, the one who is master in [spiritual] meaning is not judged with [respect to] matter.
The one who is faithful knows.

My Yunus comes, takes my word.
I spaded the soil, I collected the dry branch,
I said, “It becomes [it will become] tree,” I waited.
Of course it becomes, it gives flower.
Humans who come, take its fruit.
I did not say, “Let me eat,”
For that [reason] I did not plant.
Let the one who comes, take,
Let the one who takes, know,
Let him/her present to the one who comes after him/her.
Each branch that greens, is filled with fruit,
Each fruit’s seed is example of one tree.

Our life is in Darling, our eye is in HIS Beauty,
Beauty is in each one That we see.
However, each one That we see is only HIS attribute;
The One That we seek is HIS Persona.
Let us know HIS attribute so that we find HIS Persona.
If you open the veil, you see the face.
In order to see HIS Face, one has to have HIS blessing;
If you say, “Let me force, let me open [let me open by force],” think of your judgment. [think how HE would judge you...]

In the respect of all humans, there is HIS Vision,
There is love of the one who knows HIM.
Of course, love is endless.
Yet, its border is drawn anyway.
At the place where love mutates, deep love starts:
Love is until dying,
Deep love [is] until arriving.
HIS each human says, “Let us know the place where we [will] arrive,”
He/she wishes to know.
If you wish to know, I say, “Erase asking.” [don't question]
The one who arrives at my Allah without interrogation, finds [HIM].

Each branch that greens, dries until next year,
Next year, it greens anew.

Let us say, “Ya Allah,” let us put period to the word. [let us end our sentence/speech by saying "ya Allah"] [ya=O ...!/Oh ...! (used to show strong emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rabbi! O Lord!/O my God!]

Let us open with chat.
The one who knows to seek, is the one who takes the oil lamp in hand.
The one who says, “Let my oil lamp burn,” is the one who fills its oil [fuel].

What do we seek in the suffering that does not cease?
Is it pain or pleasure?
If you say, “Ya Allah,” it is pleasure.
If you say, “Hey Allah,” it is pain.
Ya Allah, you gave, you take. [when you say “ya Allah,” you know that Allah gives the suffering, and HE is The One Who can take it back]
Hey Allah, why do you make [me] suffer? [when you say "hey Allah," you complain, you question Allah's giving...]
Do you have any question to ask my Allah? [who do you think you are to question Allah?]

For that [reason] I said:
Human’s wish that does not come true, is beneficial.

The felon who is summoned,
If he/she denies his/her crime, who knows the reality?
Of course my Allah.
No crime stays unsolved,
Not earth solution of course.
If you say, “The one that I gave, is gone, he/she cheated me,”
[then] You are really mistaken.
Because the one that goes from you, is not from you.
If you say, “How come my earning is not mine?”
Each human works not for him/herself only,
But for all humans.
What you call as “my earning,”
The one that you feel sorry because it is gone,
Is not yours.
The day on which you can say this,
You find the reality, you take the peace.

Be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you know my Allah in all humans. [know that Allah is in all humans]
Do never fall in judgment about human. [do not make judgment about humans]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akşiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel