22 August 1975
I am Mevlana.
Let our day be bright, let our heart be open,
Let our vision be endless. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
For all humans:
Let what he/she took [as spiritual water] stay [with him/her],
Let him/her come [to after earth life] with what he/she took.
Let my Allah be pleased with the one
Who comes newly, [who just came]
Who takes old. [who learns/practices old spiritual teachings]
The one who knows HIM in each one of his/her hair
Is the one who sees HIM/HERself.
Meydan belongs to each one
Who sets off on the journey,
Who says, “My Allah.”
[HIS] Path belongs to the one
Who wishes [for The Meaning],
Who eats at HAK’s [spiritual] table.
The one who says, “[does it belong] To me too?” is mistaken;
Universe exists together with all [humans].
Do not separate the one who does not separate you.
When I say, “Come,”
Let one not ask whether it is from me [i.e. from Mevlana],
When “Come,” is said, it is from HIM.
“HIS LIGHT,” is being said; where is IT taken from?
Curtain opens, my [spiritual] maturation is asked [about],
My arrival [in HIM] is sought, my finding is discussed.
Because of the one that is waited for?
What is waited for?
Is it saying, “I am from YOU”?
Neither from you nor from me,
My being [is] because of all [humans], [my being is] with all [humans].
At the place where [our spiritual] water flows, discussion occurs abundantly.
Neither does the water lessen nor does the one who takes stay [behind on HIS path].
Let him/her come, let him/her see, let him/her know,
Whoever he/she is.
Ivy of yellow,
Complexity of blue
Discussed about?
Let one not say, “How about if I do not take?”
Let each human find in him/herself,
Let him/her know [that he/she is] from HIM.
The bridge that you do not cross is not your path.
Come with other human[s], know that the rose is your path.
Your heart does not separate [discriminate].
Table without chat does not satiate.
If I am from the ones who come,
If I find from the ones who ask,
If you know from the ones who love,
Would you remember my name?
Would you follow my footprint?
He said, Hadji Bektas entered the word. [he joined the chat]
Do not separate right and left;
Do not favor human over human.
Left mends the one that right demolishes;
Human waits from human in every moment,
He said, he gave the word to my Yunus.
One does not become clean in cold water.
Human does not regret in society.
One does not complain about The One Who gives little.
Our path is this, one does not run away,
He said, my Yunus gave the word to Eyyub.
The flower that wilts, falls.
One looks at the subject saying, “Amazement!”
Our day is the day of return to The Reality.
The one who takes duty walks.
Do not say, ”Where is the one who walks,
Where [does he/she walk] to?”
His/her intention is always ONE.
If you divide the apple into four,
If you take one out of four,
Is the other one haram?
[spiritual] Immaturity [is] to divide one into four,
[spiritual immaturity is] To take one and to deny the three of them,
Event is this!
The path of all of us is the path of Mohammad.
Ebubekir [Abu Bakr], Osman, Ali, Omar
Are him [i.e. Prophet Mohammad[’s path]] divided into four. [each one is one fourth of him]
If we take one of them, is the denial of the others correct?
Does it [such behavior] belong to HAK’s path?
HE is ours, we are from HIM.
“I came with heartful [i.e. like armful] of greeting,” he said,
He brought greeting from Darling.
I came with greeting, I wrote with pen,
I am Ali.
Let my Allah be pleased with the one who says,
“We knew the new one, the old one, [the new one==teachings of ONEness of HEARTs; the old one==old spiritual beliefs]
We took all [humans] as one.”
Let good deeds be on the heavy side of the pair of scales. [let good deeds weigh heavier than sins]
Let my Allah be helper of the one
Who crosses mountain path,
Who runs through narrow passage.
All of them remembered, let them be among the ones who are remembered.
ONEness in their tongue, let them find HIM,
Let them be filled, let them be filled, let them be filled with deep love,
He said, Ali walked.
Desert is passed, path opens.
The crop that was planted is of course harvested,
He said, Hadji Bayram took the word.
We came up to your path, we supported [you by] your arm[s].
If grains fell [on the ground], let us collect [and put them] in our sleeve.
What stays in our hand develops [grows];
What stays on the ground, proliferates,
Has [a] heart-to-heart talk with the soil,
Fertilizes with the fruit,
Becomes one with HIS human.
It keeps on turning [repeating], it goes, it comes,
Neither is “lessening” seen,
Nor is the one that is thrown, blown away.
Do not think that the one who burns
Is roasted;
He/she becomes slave like me.
HIS human finds during his/her lifetime:
The moment in which he/she says, “What I know [is] what I find,”
[then] Neither slavery nor servitude occurs;
One is in the same condition as him/her [as the other person] like in the example of crop,
He said, he walked.
What you see is what you are witness to, [? WHAT you see is WHAT you are witness to, ?]
It can not be denied. [? HE can not be denied. ?]
What you hear is what is talked about,
It passes. [it is temporary] [We interpret the previous verses as follows: events are created by HIM. Humans talk about them. They happen in the imaginary environment, they do not harm humans in reality; they are talked about, they are temporary. HE expects humans to hear, i.e. to take lessons:]
The moment in which you say, "I did not hear,"
It [? HE ?] erases.
Yahya Efendi joins the interpretation of the day:
If I say,
"Does the day's pleading save the notebook [in which sins and good deeds are recorded]? [does your pleading erase your sins?]
Do you understand 'the accounting of the year'?"
If I give to question... [if I ask you that question, what would be your answer?]
Omar says:
One good deed takes away [neutralizes/cancels] thousand sins,
Brings human as bright.
If our pleading is from essence, [if our pleading is from the bottom of our heart]
HE even spares thousand years,
HE shows favoritism toward all of HIS humans.
HIS Mercy is from [because of] HIS Name:
HE is The Compassionate, HE is The Merciful.
HE knows the rich one, HE finds the poor one,
HE takes [pleading] from all of them;
HE makes HIMSELF be remembered with every hal.
Of course our pleading cleans our [record] notebook.
Let my Allah be pleased with all [humans]
Who remember my Allah’s Name.
I came, I saw, I heard, I took, I gave.
Let us say, “Eyvallah,” let us wish for salvation,
He said, Yahya Efendi walked. [Yahya Efendi=Sufi saint who lived in the 16th century]
Is shadow analogous to body?
Is doubt dream to human?
Is what does not conform to intention, stone to human?
The one who knows that he/she will mature [spiritually]
Minds neither the stone nor the dream nor the shadow.
[spiritual] Immaturity belongs to the one who covers [blocks] the path of the one who matures [spiritually].
Do we cut the grapevine saying, "[how about if] It does not give grape?"
When you give its water abundantly,
When you plow its soil,
'Whether it gives or not' is not [a] worry.
Be entrusted to my Allah.
Find 'the four' in one.
Come with HIM,
Return to HIM [all] together.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
27 August 1975
I am Mevlana.
Pleading takes the place of the pleading.
His/her intention makes HIS human [spiritually] mature.
The One Who gives, makes [human] find.
The one who is given, makes known [The Meaning].
In the day’s interpretation, nothingness does not conform to the reality
Because to reach nothingness [? Because to mature to nothingness ?]
Is not [an] image for every human.
“How?” is said.
If you know yourself, word of “nothingness” can not be said.
Do not give place to the one whom you say about, “The one whom I can not take.”
The one whom you can not take is the one who does not find his/her place,
The one whom you can not take from shade to sun, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Let the most [spiritually] mature one be your pleading.
Each word that you give, that you display
Is written as your good deed.
If HE gave direction to HIS human,
Each human’s wish [is] to arrive at HAK by short path.
To love God in a crazy manner, to die as martyr
Are not considered as knowing HAK in HAK.
It is blessing of HAK to the one who will not come to his/her senses.
Martyrdom that is wished for is that:
Martyr is different, “real martyr” is different:
Martyr is said for the one who goes by conforming to the command, [who goes because he/she is ordered to do so]
“Real martyr” [is said] for the one who fights in the name of HAK.
[our wish is] Neither to that nor to this,
Our wish is to YOU my Allah.
Why is song sung?
Why is 'saz' listened to? [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
We walked saying, "[HIS] Path,"
We searched saying, “Hal.”
We sang the song, we made pass saying, "The desert."
Song entertains,
The one who knows, says,
The one who hears, listens.
Does the return of the past day occur?
Does the one who maneuvers the ship depart from the sea?
Who is the one who maneuvers the ship?
The one who takes the sun as path,
The one who wears light [not heavy] shoe.
Is it [ever] seen that the one who finds the mountain path
Maneuvers the ship? [sun==Prophet Mohammad; to wear light shoe==to follow footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
The one who says, “Let me take HAK’s path in the ocean,” [ocean==God]
Is present on the mountain, in the vineyard, in the air, in the water.
All four [of them] are added to ONE.
All of them are waited there.
My Yunus by mountain path,
Mevlana by sea.
If you wear light shoe, you are grape grower.
My Yunus says:
Mountain path belongs to the one who crosses,
Vineyard path [belongs] to the one who runs,
Ocean [belongs] to the one who passes,
Air [belongs] to the one who migrates.
Angels are responsible for the air;
HIS Representative [is responsible] for all of them.
The whole of the four is him [? HIM ?].
Angels are in the service of the creation of The Creator,
However, of the one who is worthy;
Every intention is in them. [angels take care of the intentions of the humans]
I say for that [reason], the state in the moment in which you fall,
And the depression in the moment you experience the state, is that.
When thinking widens,
The width [volume/capacity] of the pot increases too.
However, each event that is thought about as bad
Gives its harm again to the one who thinks [so].
We gave before, “connection is interrupted” we said.
Outcome: the one who thinks and what is thought about come together in the same state [condition/situation].
[let us explain with an analogy:]
If you sit in an empty room,
If you prevent its air [from getting out and coming in],
How many days can you endure?
At that time, you say, “Air,” you seek sun.
Voila, interruption of the connection of the one who thinks badly
Serves him/her to seek HIS direction.
We gave before:
HE makes him/her find him/herself[/HIMself], HE makes [him/her] seek, HE makes [him/her spiritually] mature.
“Is the one who knows and the one who does not know, one [the same]?” is being said.
If the one who knows and the one who does not know were one
Then would the angels come for service?
The aim is 'not to enter that emptiness,'
[the aim is] 'Not to know that emptiness.'
If we are one with HIS Name,
If we know HIS Name in ninety-nine, [if we know HIS ninety-nine Names/Attributes]
If we wrap one [of them] around the tongue,
If we connect the event to HIM, [if we know that all events are created by HIM]
Do you know the outcome?
When it is like that, when one reaches HIS Attribute,
Thought is erased, each event is divided. [then one does not think about events, one does not worry about events]
For that [reason], remember HIS Name in The Whole,
Turn not to HIS Attribute but to HIS Persona.
What is attribute?
It is one of ninety-nine. [in Koran Allah refers to HIMself with 99 Names/Attributes]
To reach HIS Attribute is of course beautiful,
However, not by pleading but by service.
What is meant by coming [to earth] is to know:
Not 'that you can not cross,'
Not at all 'to smash the earth,'
But only [to know] that four is ONE,
That HE is The One Who stands in ONE.
Perception is conveyed through the body.
The one that is said to, “Be!” is the one that exists,
Yet, not nourished.
Atmosphere is full of current.
The spirit that does not take current is sleepy.
'Coming to earth' is 'taking current,'
Is 'waking up from sleep.'
Separation of the spirit from the body is
Its passage to beyond of the current.
After that, each spirit is loaded with current.
Gathering in ONEness
Of The Loftiness Being of my Lofty Allah.
“How?” is said.
Sun’s light warms the one that has warmth.
Is light, warmth necessary beyond the universe?
To sleep is 'not to know.'
Angels are spirits that do not sleep.
For that [reason], they come to HIS humans, on duty.
“How does one wake up?” is being said.
Between coming [to earth] and going [to after earth life] soft path is traced.
In order to know, it is necessary to wake up from the sleep,
It is necessary to be loaded with current.
The superiority of HIS human to angels
Is that he/she looks at the current as real.
Spirit can not endure the current without body.
For that [reason], the one who says, “I erased the body,”
Is the one who is roasted with his/her deep love [for HIM],
Is the one who shouts, “I burned!”
Let it not be forgotten that small fish goes around the shore,
Big fish [goes around] in deep [waters].
Human coming to earth
Is him/her coming together with HIS ‘Cemal,’ [and] ‘Celal’ Attributes, [Cemal=Face Beauty; Cemal==According to Islamic theology, appearance of Allah's attributes in human [attributes like beauty, kindness, pardon, mercy...]] [Celal=Anger; Celal==According to Islamic theology, appearance of Allah's attributes in human [attributes like anger...]]
Is him/her taking HIM with [through his/her] body.
Can you know the taste of the water in the ocean?
Can you take the blessing if there is no soil?
There is relief in laughing, [there is] peace in knowing.
Mind is the one that gives direction,
Logic is the one that sieves what the mind gives,
[logic is] The one that crumbles what comes as big.
Difficulty is neither to sieve nor to crumble:
Difficulty is 'not to know what one has to do.'
If the logic does not measure what the mind does,
One makes mistake.
If you have no talent in measuring, consult with the one who can measure.
Logic is not [a] giving to count the existence. [logic is not enough when you try to imagine all the creations that/whom Allah created]
'Counting of the existence' is '[to count] every thing that can exist.'
Every thing that can exist may not fit into the frame of the logic.
Logic is necessary in the hal of earth.
Being narrow or wide of the frame
Depends on the specialty of the life.
In subjective context,
Logic gets far more out of the frame.
When it is like that,
The consciousness of the person whom the destiny chooses
Gives direction to the society.
If society’s logic is placed within a frame,
Independence is reunited with openness.
If the society’s logic fights [with one another]
Destiny turns to sorrow.
It turns [to sorrow] not in essence but in eye [i.e. in imaginary matter environment].
We came, let us pass,
We knew, let us migrate,
Let us reach the day that is said about. [the day that is said about==1) Migration day, 2) Doomsday]
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
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God, Allah....
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