7 August 1973
I am Mevlana.
Path is necessary for life, deep love [is necessary] for Darling.
Sand in shovel, close your eye at events. [to close one's eye
at=(Turkish idiom) to tolerate] [similar to how you would close your
eyes when sand was thrown to you with a shovel, close your eyes, do not
see the events [tolerate the events that do not conform to your
intention / know that they are created by God, accept them without any
complaint, and forget about past events…]]
If the mouth of the well is small,
Do not conclude that the water is scarce.
If you see the river flowing abundantly, do not say, “Because of its
How fast ever it may go,
Arrival is at the time that is written.
If what you desire is matter,
[then] Do not complain about the one that is not given.
If it is The Meaning, do not brag about the one that is given.
[because] Neither is the one that is given, to you,
Nor is the one that is taken, from you.
If it is given, it is for you to share;
If it is taken, it is because you did not share.
The Owner of "The Might to manage" is only HIM.
Muezzin climbs the minaret, calls to prayer for whom? [muezzin=caller
to prayer]
Of course for all [humans].
If ulama do not share their science, does one call them 'ulama'? [ulama=Muslim
theologians and scholars]
While sharing, if he/she says, “Let me give the one that is in me,”
[then] He/she is ignorant of science.
The one who says, "Let us open the one that is ours,
Let us all be one and chat,” is the one who conforms to Koran.
My Yunus says:
Neither did I learn science by heart, nor did I look for bargains at the
In science, I [just] said what came from my essence,
I conformed to The One Who gave to my essence.
At the market, I took the one that came to my hand
Saying, “My God-given share.”
“It is necessary to be content with little,
To say, 'Thank YOU,' when it is more,” I said.
'To be content with' is of course beyond saying 'thank YOU.'
We begin to chisel, we glance at hearts,
We hold each hand that wishes. [we hold the hand of each one who
To the one who wishes for earth, we sell [it] for one [postal] stamp.
If you say, “Is earth yours, ya Yunus?” [ya=O ...!/Oh ...! (used to
show strong emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rabbi! O Lord!/O my
God! ]
Since HE created [it] for HIS human, of course it is mine.
You wish for earth, you say, “Sell [it to me],”
“Take [it],” I say, I give [it] to the one who wishes [for it]
So that he/she finds him/herself,
[then] He/she sells earth to the [other] one who wishes [for it].
I am Mevlana.
In the word of my Yunus,
HAK is always in its essence.
He erased earth in his eye.
is for HIS human, for the one who is faithful.
Let us conform to the going of the path.
Let us take the pleading through heart.
Beyond here, there is path,
The going of the path is narrow.
Light shoe becomes target for the dust of the path, [to wear light
shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
[still it] Protects the foot of the human.
My Allah’s giving
To the one who is faithful, is in accordance with HIS path;
To the one who does not know, is in accordance with his/her hal,
Stone comes at each step,
HE makes him/her find him/herself by him/herself.
Specialty of the meydan is because of the beauty of the one who calls. [?
Specialty of the meydan is because of the beauty of The One Who calls. ?]
Hazrat Omar says:
Think of the war in order to achieve peace so that
You are successful.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be
worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
10 August 1973
I am Mevlana.
We remembered, we are remembered; we became one with all [humans].
We conformed to his [Prophet Mohammad’s] hal,
we found on HIS soft path.
We wrapped the swaddling cloth saying, “Life.”
We knew the giving from Darling.
We erased suffering, we said, “It is curse.”
We heard the one that was from heart.
“The most beautiful one,” we said, we conformed.
Curse is nothing, but the suffering itself:
Because it is denial of The One Who gives the suffering.
Why do you curse the one
That does not conform to your intention?
Who is the one that does not make conform to your intention?
Swaddle is the situation of the earth.
Let the pileless carpet cover half [of it],
Let the half of the room stay open;
Do we suffer saying, “It is not enough”?
Do we fall in sorrow
Because the shepherd did not herd the lamb?
We pass the one who does not herd,
We choose [a] new shepherd.
If the pan is empty, we wait,
“My Allah comes,” we say.
If your path becomes long,
If your place is a bit narrow,
Do not complain.
Faithful sets the intention up for the long one of the path.
We did not descend to well, we did not lag on our path;
We did not stop saying, “Decision.”
We expected the decision from The Giver.
My Yunus says:
Traveler of the faithful's path walks step by step.
I gave the fruit, taste [it].
The foundation that you lay, [is] your name.
We said, “Ya Allah,” we found salvation. [ya=O ...!/Oh ...! (used to
show strong emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rabbi! O Lord!/O my
The one who wishes for talent, let him/her learn his/her profession.
Let him/her say, “I practiced my apprenticeship,”
Let him/her come back to master like that.
Talent belongs to the one
Who knows,
Who conforms to every situation,
Who erases the earth.
Talent belongs to the one
Who conforms,
Who feels in heart,
Who erases [bad word] from his/her tongue,
Who knows from inside,
Who sees the point [the dot], who says, “My place is this.”
The one who wishes to mature [spiritually], is the one who gives
[spiritual] water to his/her root.
The one who seeks The Reality, is the one who erases the tale.
What is tale?
Each event is human’s tale.
The moment in which you know like that, then you find The Reality.
Event will happen, you can not erase.
[however,] When you take yourself to outside of the event,
The Reality manifests in you.
In the giving of the sun, what is the one that heats you?
What is the one that illuminates the day?
What is your finding in the event that you do not conform to?
It will happen whether you conform or not.
[however,] When one conforms, its solution will come together.
Sun heats the one who knows him [? HIM ?], illuminates the one who sees
him [? HIM ?]. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
If you enter a room, if you cover [close] all your sides,
Neither can you warm up, nor can you get illuminated.
My Yunus consulted, had [a] heart-to-heart talk with you.
The Giving of HAK [is]
For the vision of human,
Not for his/her display.
HE knows What HE gives, HE gives
Not in accordance with the judgment of the human.
Neither let us fall in judgment,
Nor let us give up the beautiful hal.
Do not think of the judgment of the body that you did not fatigue.
What is meant by “fatigue”: to harm the body.
Let me ask [you about] “the minaret.”
Can you say, “Let me take [it] to where I go”?
It is of course irrelevant to think of the wish that will not come true.
We are not traveler of the feverish path.
Muezzin [caller to prayer] who says,
“Let me climb the minaret, let me give sound to all [humans],
Let me call them in the name of HAK,”
If he/she conforms to his heart,
He/she does not leave [any] human who does not hear his/her voice.
How do we try to overcome the difficulty?
“My Allah, I leaned on Your Power,
I became one with YOU,
I wished for Your help,” you say.
[however,] Do not fall in doubt:
Say, “Ya Allah,” walk. [ya=O ...!/Oh ...! (used to show strong
emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rabbi! O Lord!/O my God!]
Let us say, “Eyvallah,”
to all [of you],
Let us give connection to word.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be
worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
14 August 1973
I am Mevlana.
We are at the place
Where green color spreads,
Where the beautiful day is being looked forward to. [? Where the beautiful
day is respected. ?]
We are on the same path as the ones who come.
Let greeting be to all of you.
Let peace come to your heart.
It should be known
That the sand is sieved,
That human is swaddled,
That one comes as helper to your place, to your path.
The one who seeks from [on] the shore [of the ocean], does not ask from
the mountain. [ocean==God]
The one who comes from the mountain, does not take
from the vineyard. [drinking wine==learning spiritual teachings of
ONEness of HEARTs] [ONEness of HEARTs is for the ones who wish for HIS
Meaning, the ones who do not wish for do not take/study/understand it]
Say to the one who says, “Let me spin my wool, let me separate my path”:
If sheep gives wool,
If HIS human sees the path,
You spin, you separate.
Day’s interpretation brings path to the new one,
Takes God-given share not from wind, torrent, but from the sun. [sun==Prophet
Earth that you say about, “It turns,”
Comes to HIS soft human like in the example of game.
Do not take worry for each event. [do not worry for each event]
Deer knows its place,
Finds the side of the water.
Yahya Efendi [Master Yahya] says:
What is expected from the path, finds [you] as in your pleading. [event
happens according to your pleading]
HE asks about the new one according to your heart. [God checks your
heart for the new event]
He/she finds his/her place from the test, takes his/her day like that.
My Merkez says:
Learn about the fruit from the one that is ripe,
[Learn] To love from the one who is [spiritually] mature.
“How?” is said.
When you eat unripe fruit, you can not take its taste;
[similarly,] In the love of ignorant human, you can not find what you
Let the one who is confused, not give worry,
Let one not say, “How does he/she find the order?”
Let “close friend" be said, let the ones who give hand, be known.
The one who disperses the smoke, is the one who educates his/her heart.
The one who educates his/her heart, is the one who drinks what he/she
takes [from our chats], sip by sip.
Let the stove smoke, let the wilderness end.
If you say, “He/she is not of the ones who hear,”
Let his/her tied day pass. [leave him/her alone today [maybe tomorrow
he/she may wish for The Meaning]]
The one who took the chisel in hand,
The one who put the wood in shape,
The one who passed [beyond] the sound, [beyond] the word, and who
conformed with hal,
The one who works to make [spiritually] mature the one who is said about,
“He/she does not mature [spiritually],” [? The one who works to make
happen the one that is said about, "It does not happen," ?]
The one who shares what he does with all [humans],
[is] Nuh [Noah]
I took path, I came, I stood [while] greeting.
I interpreted the day’s event as good deed.
The one who is said about, “He/she does not mature,” will mature. [? The
one that is said about, "It does not happen," will happen. ?]
My Yunus says:
Do not separate the bunch. [bunch==humans] [humans are "one" similar
to how flowers are together in a bunch...] [do not discriminate among
Do not think of the sick one
[because] It is blessing [favor] of my Allah,
It is the help [protection] of his/her saint.
Tree is not taken to interrogation because of its giving.
Human does not ask [about] the subsistence from the one whom he/she
Our place is among the ones that are known.
Our wish: let you find good deed, let you do good deed.
Say to him/her:
The one who does not believe in his/her birth,
The one who does not take word about [spiritual] maturation,
The one who does not tolerate the cloud
Can not find HIS blessing [? HIS rain ?].
[this is said]
To the one who leans on the grapevine,
The one who paints him/herself with colors while being white [clean/pure].
Let you be entrusted to my Allah.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be
worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
15 August 1973
I am Mevlana.
We did not ask the well about path. [well/lake==religious fanatic]
We did not complain about our path.
We did not put stone on the lap.
We waved our hand, we watched our path.
“My day is in good deed, eyvallah,”
we said.
The one who is faithful walks around while being generous.
He/she watches only the path of going.
If you seek footprint, you look at the ground,
If you seek word, [you look] at the tongue.
You laugh for the sweet one of the word,
You cry [shed tears] for the bitter one [of the word].
Human’s laughing-crying is
Neither due to the footprint that is on ground,
Nor to the "saz" that is in hand. [saz= stringed instrument (which
somewhat resembles a lute).]
Let us keep our tongue nicely. [let ask talk nicely / let us not break
heart with our words]
Let us add yeast to our heart from the joy of the human,
The one that you see on meadow pleases the sheep, the lamb.
Is its joy not your joy too?
The hard one of the walnut is broken with stone.
The one that is broken by hand as well as the one that is broken with
stone are the same:
The difference is in how they are broken.
Inside of the walnut: [is similar to] spirits,
Outside: [of the walnut is similar to] egotism, intention.
What keeps the body alive: [are] Spirit and Life.
Darling is your Spirit.
Therefore, that Life and Darling make one body find. [? Therefore, HE
makes a body find with Life and Darling ?]
One erases the body, HE makes him/her turn to HIMself.
Before the perception, there is only Life and body.
At the perception, body is erased, Life and Darling come together.
When The Reality is reached, only HE stays,
ONE goes even beyond Life and Darling,
Because Life as well as his/her Darling are HIS Matter Hal.
When one passes through every thing like in the example of evaporation,
Then you get free of all of your loads.
If it is like that,
WHERE and WHAT do we seek,
WHOM and WHAT do we ask,
Since Every Thing is transformed to HIM?
When grape becomes wine:
When there is vineyard, when grapes became wine,
What happens after one drinks [the wine]?
Neither does the vineyard stay, nor does the grape, nor does the wine,
[only] The name of the wine, [and] its taste [stay].
[similarly,] If there is in you one thing of yours that you can give to
HIS human:
Your name and your taste stay.
Hazrat Osman says:
Close friend is the one who is generous,
Who shares his/her heart with you.
Everybody shares the matter.
Can you share your love?
Can you say, “Take my Life”?
You are from HIM.
Hazrat Omar says:
If what you do not hope for happens, do you say, “Why is this?”
Do you question HIM?
You waited for the rain, it did not rain, you gave up your hope,
“My crop burned,” you said.
You woke up in the morning, you found the rain.
Can you open question? [can you question that?]
Each one [event] that looks like it would not happen,
When it happens, it bewilders human, is from HIM.
For that [reason] let us not open question for any event. [let us not
question any event]
Let us not blame saying, “Why did it not happen?”
Then let us not fall in bewilderment saying, “How did it happen?”
HE makes it talked about, HE measures with measures;
If there are no events, what do humans take measure with?
Although you see clearly, you hit the tree.
Is the fault in you or in the tree?
It is neither in you, nor in the tree, nor in HIM.
Because fault can not originate from HIM.
Events show
The maturity of the intention,
The immaturity of HIS human,
[events show] That, whatever is said, what my Allah writes does not
You use the rolling pin to give value to dough. [analogy with events
and humans]
The One Who speaks as well as The One Who makes speak is HIM,
[then] What falls on us? [what is left to us]
Your being is with yeast.
The path that you pass is with rock[s].
Each stone that will trip you
Is the hal
of HAK’s path.
Why does it [not] harm the foot of the one who walks on the sand?
It is known that in sand, foot is buried;
How does [can] the stone hit it?
It only stands on his/her path,
Of course it does not give any harm.
The most beautiful of temperament [is]
To find music in the sound of the wind,
To hear songs in the sound of the sea,
To see its dance in the bending forward of the flower,
To erase the smoke in the sound of the animal.
Breath is the sound of human’s life.
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you.
Let beautiful days laugh at you.
Breath is the door to both visible world and invisible world.
It opens the earth door, it closes the after earth life door.
When it opens the after earth life door, it closes the earth door.
[it is like a] Revolving door that opens to both sides.
What is given through hand passes first through the brain.
Of course through the brain.
Because the center of current is the brain.
However, the power that is given to hand is with so high current that,
It comes to hand before coming to perception. [before being
Brain taker [receiver], hand giver [transmitter].
Because centers are not authorized to give,
They only preserve what they take.
If you say, “What happens to the ones that accumulate [there]?”
We already said before:
Day will come, it will be given through tongue too.
[the above verses may be better understood under the light of the
following information: Hazrat Mevlana used to give the chats through the
hand of Garib [Garib’s hand used to hold a pen on a notebook, the hand
used to write continuously]; after 1986 chats have been being given
through tongue]
If you say, “Wise,” to crazy, he/she does not know.
If you say, “Crazy,” to the wise one, he/she does not laugh.
If you give the earth to the one who does not know, he/she does not erase;
If you give one handkerchief to the one who knows, he/she does not take,
He/she says, “HAK,” he/she walks, he/she knows [has] the people in his/her
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be
worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]
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God, Allah....
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Spiritual Levels
Direct Translations on Some Topics