You love your neighbor as neighbor,
You turn away from the ones who are not muslims, why?
Does Allah discriminate when creating?
Does Allah favor some [humans] by saying "these are my humans"
Talking about destiny is not your business, neither my business!
Do not discriminate among your neighbors!
Allah created the universe
Not for you, neither for me;
[Allah created the universe] For everybody.
Each human found [the right path] by [the path] of his/her heart,
If [only] tariqa helped one to find the path
Then non-muslims could not go the heaven [i.e. do you have the monopoly of heaven?].
[tariqa: 1. Sufi's religious group 2. Other (most of the time fanatic) islamic religious sub-groups.]
3 February 1972
There is no place or time for submission to Allah,
If someone says "non-muslims are not believers"
Tell him/her
"Allah is not on earth, neither in the sky,
Allah is in my heart!"
29 February 1972
Whether Christian, or Jew,
They are all Creator's humans.
8 April 1973
In God's presence
None of God's humans is different from another one.
Nobody can claim the right of superiority.
8 January 1982
Each human is One [or equal], if he/she knows Oneness,
Each human is a preferred one [mature in spiritual manner], if he/she is
not blind [in his/her heart].
25 December 1981
We ask the rose about love,
We hear about it [love] from the nightingale.
We join together with love
The sunset,
The moon rise.
[However,] We look for the reality of human the last.
If human
Realized the holiness of "being created,"
He/she would not discriminate
From the time of Adam until today
From yellow to black,
From white to red,
Among colors, races, religions [and faiths],
He/she would not favor [and and try to impose] each subject that he/she thought it was right.
2 May 1984
This is what you should understand from the word Saint[s]
They rose above all religions
They realized God with God's all attributes
They realized God while still on earth
They are humans who taught the ones who did not know.
God, Allah....
Life on Earth....
After Earth....
Spiritual Levels
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs
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