I am Mevlana,
Let me give you [tell you about] my passing away, my day.
I believed that the bed was for my body, that the throne was in my heart.
I followed the path of my heart, I closed my eyes on earth,
I found as I believed.
I called the name Allah,
I saw the stars at that moment.
I saw them far away, I found them nearby,
They grew bigger when I approached them,
Light was everywhere,
All saints surrounded me,
At that moment, I felt
That I was being taken from one hand to another,
Taken farther and farther,
That my soul was getting lighter and lighter.
My joy was so big that my homesickness disappeared,
At that moment I knew that I arrived.
I asked the ones who were holding my hand and accompanying me
About interrogator angels.
"My interrogation, my poor state[/behavior] on earth?" I said.
I was told that I was exempt from interrogation.
"Would there be any questioning when you burn in your heart,
When you submit [to God]?" [I was told]
At that moment I saw [God's] rose, [God's rose == HIS Representative,
Prophet Mohammad]
"We are pleased with the newcomer, with what he is bringing with him," he
He hugged with Light, we became One with God. [Light = Nour, shadowless
On my day, we presented the right path to whoever wished for God['s path].
I glanced at earth, I looked at the ones who were crying [after me].
I said, "My Allah, they are crying for my name,
What are they going to do with me [my body]?
My name stayed with them,
My love came with me.
If [spiritually] re-maturing together were permitted, I would like to do
I would ask You to let me re-mature with all your humans.
I would share the sins and the merits.
I would tell them, "Let us find the salvation, not in you or me, but in
I would ask pardon with them."
This was my wish.
I said, "Let me go to earth, let me help,
Let me enlighten the ones who seek for the right path,"
I wished from my Allah.
I was told, "Permission granted,"
I was assigned to duty on earth.
"We will approve the human that you will choose,
And will give the duty to him/her," I was told.
The duty, not the endowment!
Endowment from me, duty from only one human.
The chosen human was first tested.
Her heart was checked in all aspects,
Various stones were placed on her path.
The duty she was given, was the result of her test.
She never questioned.
She has not said, "Why my Allah?"
She knew it was from God.
She said, "If it is a gift, thank You, if it is a penalty, I still accept
it without
any complaint and I say "thank You" also."
She succeeded in all aspects of the test.
You know whom I met first at my migration?
I got rid of the shadow, I took off the body. [shadow == universe is the
shadow of The Reality]
Similar to what happens to a cocoon in the case of a butterfly,
I flew.
I was not flying alone, every star that I was seeing, [star == saint]
When I got closer, were indeed Lights of persons.
I passed among them, I chose my place,
I mixed up with them.
March 1972
God, Allah.... Life on Earth.... Spirit.... After
Earth.... Prayers
Saints.... Destiny.... Spiritual
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs
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