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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


If I go through "the path with sand,"
If I drive the herd,
If I spread The One That is in my heart to my surrounding,
Days become mine,
Beauties become mine.

In the hand of Mevlana
I saw the rose leaf.
I asked about the love that passes through his heart.
He said,
My heart is open
They come and pass.
My mind is passage
They choose my word.
Human being should know the step that he/she takes,
He/she should see that
Each step takes to The Beautiful One.

Yunus Emre said,
Mountains make [one] surrender [give up];
Vineyards make [one] come to word
[and] End sorrow in human.
Do not be offended by one word,
It comes, it passes, it is forgotten.
Do not hope for help from one trump,
It makes you turn to [spiritual] immaturity.

Meryem and Fatima came, [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Stopped at our [spiritual] table.
Meryem said,
You educate yourself,
You grind your knowledge.
Throw the smoke away from your heart.
Taste from the honey that is put on your table.
The path that you will take
Take [it] in your hand, take [it] to your tongue, add [it] to your heart.
Know that what is written, is yours,
It will be in you,
It will stay in [with] you.

Fatima said,
If I give three pens in your hand,
One of them writes your love,
One of them [writes] your vision,
And one of them [writes] your display;
That writing strains you through the fine sieve.
[It is thought that in the above verses, the three main criteria of the test on earth are given: 1. love: love all of His creations, 2. vision: see Him in His creations, 3. display: share The Meaning, i.e. you display The Meaning [teachings of ONEness of HEARTs] like flowers so that similar to how bees find the flowers, humans who wish for The Meaning from heart, can reach it... Note that vision and display are not prerequisites for love...]
Each mold gives shape to what you put inside.
The one who knows you, sees his/her own reality.
Do not occupy yourself with the worry of any event,
Do not add worry to your worry.

Hadji Bayram said,
Do not separate anybody because of [do not discriminate among humans based on]
Hand, tongue [language], heart. [skin color, nationality, faith]
In the morsels that you will give
Do not favor anybody [over someone else].
The One Who will increase your God-given share is my Lofty Rab.
We take from Him and give,
With Him, we see the one that/who is beautiful.

Hadji Bektas said,
I took pen in my hand,
I gave pleading to my tongue. [I pleaded]
The one who comes, the one who goes have heart-to-heart talk.
The one who loves, the one who is loved, share [with one another].
Human being is honored according to his/her vision. [vision==to see Him in His creations]

Rabia said,
Flying birds open my path,
In rose gardens, my heart is transported by joy.
Human being chooses the reality, with human.
Bee hive
Is the giving of the bees,
Is the display of the bees,
Is the bandage of human being,
Is the remedy for his/her every trouble [? sickness ?],
Is the decree for the one who does not conform.

My Merkez said,
Instead of roof
If you set up your tent,
In the name of Close Friend
If you set up the [spiritual] tables,
Love of the saints is with you,
Their pleadings [are] for the issue.
Your order is appropriate.
Human is obliged to know his/her Rab.
HE is in you together with you,
HE is nearby the close friends.
[The last two verses and other sections of today's chat may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Everything that is visible to human eye, including human body, is HIS LIGHT in the form of matter, in other words, is Him; hence, HE is in us, we are in Him...]

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel