The paths on which we go step by step,
The waters that we drink sip by sip
Will take us to Him,
Will make taste the delight
That human wants from his/her Rab.
Our wish is Him so that
In [from] our hand, in [from] our tongue,
Let the one that is good deed be presented,
Let our sorrows, our worries be erased.
On the paths that we take with Mevlana,
In the hands that we hold with love,
Let us please
Not ourselves
But all of us [all humans];
Whoever he/she is,
Let us shelter one another.
Yunus said,
Day comes, human's surrounding is full [crowded],
Day comes, his/her world is empty,
The places in which that human takes shelter are dispersed;
Let us be protector of him/her,
Let us make him/her know that he/she is not alone.
Let us make him/her find the essence that is in him/herself.
Human's surrounding is filled like that,
Hak's love is born into him/her.
Meryem and Fatima [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Came from Darling,
They added love to our loves.
Meryem said,
My Allah does never separate His human,
Does not favor anyone over another one
As long as you know Him.
You should know that you are with Him.
[when you know that you are with Him, then]
Neither sorrow nor depression is left.
To be favorable [caring] human
[is] The biggest [most important] characteristic.
Fatima said,
In vineyard, in garden,
In narrowness [scantness], in difficulty,
In love, in peace,
We always come together.
We both chat and share.
Each thing that we share
Is the one that is for the benefit of all universe.
It ends its harm [loss],
[it] Brings to human's mind
Only his/her Rab.
I said, us,
We came to Your path with our most beautiful wishes.
We added our loves to darlings of Rab.
We kept our egos in security. [we kept our egos at a safe place, under control]
To beautiful days,
We took step like that.
The wish of all of us is
What our Rab wrote[/writes].
We will erase the shadows,
We will not bring the negative to our mind.
We will turn our words to His Greatness,
[yet] We will not end [our words] with His Anger.
We will work, we will work, we will work.
We will reach the ones who say, "My homeland,"
We will come together with The Commander like that.
Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.
Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.
Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]
God, Allah....
Life on Earth....
After Earth....
Spiritual Levels
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs