In our vineyard, in our garden,
In our hand, in our bundle
We find the one that is God-given share,
We know that Allah gives.
We should be among the ones who know,
We should ask from the ones who know,
We should laugh with the ones who know, [to laugh==to follow footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
We should enter the path of Hak like that.
To know each one of His Name[s],
To hope from each one of His Name[s],
To overcome our ego with His Name
Should be our endeavor.
We should be tied to human and to nature
With love.
The day on which His Representative was born,
The moment in which His Representative ate his fill,
Know that he takes the greeting of each one of you.
With the love that we take from His Representatives
We nourish our knowledges.
The name of each one complements one another.
My Rab defines us with [according to] our knowledge.
[[Bracket 1]The last verse may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. HIS LIGHT is shadowless, matter is imaginary. Every thing that is visible to human eye is HIM in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM. Human learns about The Reality at the time of migration to after earth life. However, the most preferred is to perceive The Reality while one is in body on earth...]
In [thanks to] the support of Mevlana
We knew what we took, what we gave,
Some of us, we divided quite a lot,
Some of us, we were one single rose. [rose==Prophet Mohammad]
I came to the spring of the water,
I saw Yunus Emre,
I asked [him about] the water that he drinks,
"Where does it come from, where does it stop?"
It comes from the spring [source],
It becomes overwhelmed in the ocean. [ocean==God]
The ones who are around us,
The ones who find Him in us,
Let them know that we are in Hak,
Let them see that we are in majority.
[Previsous four verses may be better understood under the light of the information presented in Bracket 1 above, and the following information: Allah's LIGHT is everywhere, however, the curtain created by human eye prevents us from seeing HIM. In other words, we are in HIM, HE is in us in every moment...]
The path of Hadji Bektas:
His hand is on shoulders,
He works in the name of Hak.
On grasses, his lambs bleat together,
He is shelter for his brave ones,
In the name of Hak, he stays in The Reality.
Meryem and Fatima [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Took the advices,
[they] Came to our [spiritual] table.
Meryem said,
Do not add lie to your word,
Do not grab 'haram,' [haram= forbidden by religion, unlawful, wrong]
Do not look down on the one who is poor.
Fatima said,
Similar to how it takes, let your hand be the one that gives too.
Let your heart be opened to all universe.
If you see fault, do not look.
Do not give cloudy water to the hand of anyone.
Selam [peace/greeting] of His Representative is
For all universe.
The love of His Representative is
For all universe.
The praise of His Representative is
For The Owner of the universe;
In that praise there is
Each one of our particles,
Each one of your particles.
Hazrat Ali said,
Dawn is about to break,
Fire will go out.
My Rab will set up for each one of you
The order that you wish for.
Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.
Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.
Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]
God, Allah....
Life on Earth....
After Earth....
Spiritual Levels
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs