My Rab, I trusted You,
I leaned on You.
I woke up with Your Being,
I was born with Your love,
I will die with Your love.
I will divide my love into the entire universe.
With the help [work] of the saints
I will find the trace of The Reality
And I will say that:
Me, I came with You,
I found with us.
With us, I arrived in the climax of The Beautiful.
Each one of my close friend[s],
I wrapped [him/her] in Your love.
If we are by ourselves
That's because we give hand in hand,
That's because we see each event as beautiful.
We eat separately, we drink separately, we live separately,
In our each moment
We overflow in the same hal;
[this] Is our specialty,
[this] Is our beauty,
[this] Is our loving, our being loved.
Mevlana said,
We came into being with [in] His love,
We came together with darlings,
In the name of Hak,
We worked [together] with people.
Yunus said,
When reaching from one human to another,
When humans come together with one another,
Joys are shared,
Worries are estranged.
Whoever says, "It does not happen,"
Such one does not find him/herself.
We are from the ones who find [ourselves],
We are from the ones who laugh in the name of Hak. [to laugh==to follow footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
Fatima and Meryem said, [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
If we exceeded ourselves,
If we ran to you,
It is the dream of His Representative,
It is the ocean of my Rab. [ocean==God]
Do never say, "it does not happen,"
[because] The One Who makes [it] happen is my Allah.
[The last two verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. HIS LIGHT is shadowless, matter is imaginary. Every thing that is visible to human eye is HIM in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM. HE is in complete control of His Matter; HE is The One Who creates all events...]
The One Who fills our hearts with His love
Is my Allah.
HIM, HE does not withhold His Light.
The ones who find His Light do not find [IT] strange. [the ones who find His Light are not surprised]
Your vineyards, your gardens
Are decorated with flowers.
The ones who do not know [how] to love
Are condemned by His saints.
I said, us,
We imbibed each name of my Rab,
We heeded each one of His order[s];
We work according to our power, [we work as much as our power is]
We get used to His saints;
Our love, our respect [is] a lot,
Our sorrow, our worry [is] none. [we have no sorrow, no worry]
Each one wished for salvation,
They pleaded for us to be in good deeds,
They greeted.
Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.
Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.
Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]
God, Allah....
Life on Earth....
After Earth....
Spiritual Levels
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs