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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


I came to the leading edge of the path,
Close friends greet,
All of them as one, come next to me.
I asked,
Passing [is] to where? [where are you going to?]
They said,
From the mountain to back;
We will arrive at the mill
We will put the wheat on display.

Hadji Bektas said,
The wheat that you grind
Let you distribute [them] to the ones who wish,
Let you add love to your words.
The one who gives love, takes love, [the one who loves, is loved]
[as such] Human finds
His/her Rabb in his/her heart.

Rabia said,
I sifted flour through the sieve.
I waited for water from the plain,
They let the water go to vineyard.
They found life in life,
They took the darling to their table.
My Rabb is next to each one who is in need,
[my Rabb is next to each one] Who finds Oneness with Him.
If you take the poor one to your table
[know that] My Rabb is also at your table.

We took the loaf in hand,
We shared from hand to hand. [? We shared from human to human. ?]
We chatted in Hak's language,
We talked about people's path.
Let the morsel of each one of them
Come to our tables.
Let our stove burn,
Let words be tied
Without condemning [one another], without testing [one another].
Hug one another.
Tie your chats that started with 'Kandil' [Kandil=1. oil lamp. 2. one of five Islamic holy nights when the minarets are illuminated with oil lamps.]
To energy;
Positive energy
Makes one reach the love that is wished;
[positive energy]
Gets loving ones, [and] loved ones together.
Love as well as hate
Spread very quickly.
Do not use hate during all your lifetime
So that what spreads is positive energy [only],
[so that] Humans find one another
With love.
This is the wish of my Rabb;
If HE wishes, it happens.

From the sound of the flowing water,
From the breath of the trees
Human finds WHAT he/she looks for;
He/she [then] sees that
Each sound is HIS sound,
Each breath is HIS breath,
Each particle that is created
Is HIS work.
The Architect of the universe is HIM,
It is HIS design.
No one can change this order. [The previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the universe by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Every thing that human eye sees is HIS LIGHT in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM. HIS LIGHT is shadowless, matter [light with shadow [i.e. particle]] is imaginary. HE makes His Matter act according to some rules that may be expressed mathematically. HE is in full control of His Matter in every moment...]
No one can corrupt
The one who knows his/her Rabb.
It is known that
What flowing water brings
Ends the corrupt ones.

Somuncu Father said,
[somuncu=loaf maker][Somuncu Father=a Sufi saint who lived in the 14th century A.D.; he used to make loafs and distribute them to poor people]
Did you take your loaf?
Did you divide it into four?
Did you give morsel by morsel to the ones who wish?
Each morsel that you eat is legitimate.
Blessing is at the table of generous ones,
Ugliness is in the cardigan of the ones who are not brave.
At Hak table
At chat table
Not only food is eaten:
Each participant adds [brings/shares]
His/her knowledge, his/her love,
His/her vision, his/her generosity. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
As such, humanity
Lays its foundation.
Alms is not giving money only;
Advice that you know [that it is] right is your alms, [advice that is correct is also counted as alms]
Your love is your alms,
Your respect is your alms,
Whatever you have in your hand, in your tongue, in your pocket
Are your alms,
He said,
Somuncu presented his love.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel