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(at the birthday anniversary of Prophet Mohammad)

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


The one that is written in the name of the traveler [what is remembered after the traveler]
Who comes [to earth], who goes [to after earth life],
The one that is engraved in the heart of
The one who knows our love,
We should have no question about it,
Our doubt should not stay. [we should have no doubt about it]

We made close friend with HIS close friend,
We grabbed hold of the hand of the close friend.
We respected, we joined
The morals of HIS Representative.

To be lover, to be loved,
To laugh [smile] at human face
Pleases my Rabb,
Not only pleases, [but HE] adds love to your love.

Untie the knot that is in the string [of your wool ball], [wool ball = lifetime on earth]
Take the jug that is filled with [spiritual] water.
Herds come, go [masses of humans come to earth, and go to after earth life]
Humans have feast. [when humans migrate to after earth life, the ones who get spiritual degrees celebrate]

It is the word of His [God's] Representative:
Before your stomach is full, allay [his/her] hunger. [before you are full, allay other humans' hunger]
Peel the negative [ego]
That is in yourself.
Winnow the wheat to the field.

Human labor,
Human food
Should be table [table = spiritual table]
For all universe.
Each human should find at the table
What he/she seeks.
The table of HIS Representative
Neither does it end, nor does it run out,
Nor does it throw away, nor does it waste.
What you take is appropriate. [? What you take is at his place. ?] [our chats come to you from Prophet Mohammad]
Human is obliged to know HIS Being. [? Human is obliged to know his [Prophet Mohammad's] being. ?]
The being [presence] of HIS Representative
Erases the difficulty everywhere.
If you wish to reach [HIM]:
Work like him,
Love like him,
Get used to each sound
That comes from your surrounding.
Each sound is [in] a different frequency,
Yet [they are] not opposite one another. [different religions and faiths are not opposite one another]
[the sounds, the frequencies are] Joined [fused] together with one another,
[the sounds, the frequencies have been] Playing together with one another in each syllable,
[the sounds, the frequencies have been or will be] Meeting together in the last pitch.
One should get [hear] HIS voice,
One should know HIS word,
One should burn with HIS deep love,
And one should be the recipient of
The intercession of HIS Representative.
HE is on [current] day as well as
HE [is] at the end as well as
HE [is] in life as well as
HE [is] in blood.
[Some of the previous and following verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of His Light into matter. Everything that is visible to human eye is HIS LIGHT in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM.]

Mevlana [is] at the leading end of the water,
Yunus Emre [is] in the [building] stone of the fountain,
YESEVI [is] in the dreams of all spiritually mature ones; [all spiritually mature humans]
They exchange greetings with each one of us,
[they] Share their love with each one of us.
At his birth
Candles burn;
With his love
Springs boil. [springs give abundant water]
The ones who wake up at dawn [human souls who wake up on earth, who realize The Meaning when they wake up in their bodies on earth]
Come together during [the] journey. [human souls who get spiritual degrees come together at migration time, when passing away]
They try to reach the Most Beautiful [ONE].
The ones who know [that] HE is next to them,
Let them know that it is like that,
HE is closer to you than yourself.
The ones who do not know are farther than far.

They wished for salvation for each one of us.
In [to]day's love,
They came together with Darling,
They greeted.

Let peace be, let peace be, let peace be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel