On the globe [earth] where one looks for interpretation,
The ones who think that they find what they seek
In every particle from which answer is expected
Are the ones who torture themselves.
Allah presents HIS science
To whomever HE wishes.
Each scholar conforms to whatever is presented to him/her.
If HIS wish is the universe,
[then HIS science] Is directed to all worlds,
[HIS science] Is presented with discovery. [science throughout the universe progresses as much as Allah permits]
Mevlana's word is One,
He has his eye on the universe.
YUNUS EMRE is in his castle,
His beloved ones are around him.
They reach from One to One,
Earn the love of Rab.
Yahya, circle in the hand, [holding hand in hand with humans, forming a circle with all of them]
Says Rabb [God] and prays:
"End lovelessness [my Allah]."
If you wish for love,
Love the leaves, the soil
The air as well as the water.
Love also the love that is in human and animal.
If you wish for beauty,
If you love your surrounding,
If you love yourself,
[then] Make your love reach all sides.
Make [your love] reach [all sides] so that the soil gets the water it waits for,
Greens [plants] come to life
My Rab sent example,
His name was called as Mustafa.
He presented the most beautiful of everything.
What did he seek, what did he find?
The ones who try to make his name be forgotten,
The ones who say [that] they are many and they walk around,
The ones who dry fountains
They will answer with their words, souls, eyes,
They will make web from chain, for themselves,
With their own hands.
What is wished should be as wished
The one who is in right [correct], should find him/herself in the reality.
Mary and Fatima said:
We took our soul and word from our Rab.
We found everything that is beautiful from our Rab.
We set our table up with the ones who know.
We will always be together,
We will find ourselves on bright days.
Rabia said:
My surrounding is delicate,
Is colored in pink rose.
We know hand in hand,
Day after day we laugh at our surrounding. [to laugh==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
We love the ones who laugh,
We share the sorrow of the ones who cry.
Rabia gave three advices:
If the cluster of grapes that you cut from the three
Tastes sour, wait until it ripens;
If it [the cluster of grapes] is too old, wait that it decays.
Each one has a different purpose,
Each one's giving is abundant.
Do not mix the ones who love with the ones who do not love:
Do not hold the hand of the human of whom
You are not happy with the action.
Let peace be, let peace be, let peace be.
Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.
Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]
God, Allah....
Life on Earth....
After Earth....
Spiritual Levels
Translations on Some Topics
ONEness of HEARTs
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